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Women are the symbolic physical representatives of the Soul stuck in Darkness that need God’s Divine Solar Light, which men can provide.  She feels she is the world and that men are looking at her.  She sees the man’s Light (if he has any) and subsequently feels receptive to his Light so she can fill her Darkness and end her pain.  The ending of her pain is felt as the orgasm of ecstasy, bliss.  She gives Pure Love in return which releases more Light from within the man, Light which comes straight from the Source, thereby both partners become filled with more and more Light, even up to the point that they become enlightened.

This process can be performed on the physical (tantra partner), astral (imaginatively) and/or mental levels (allowing the Higher Self to speak to you, unencumbered by the old fear-mongering of the now dead and resurrected Ego), bringing Final Liberation.


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