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People who stay awake during the very late hours of night are not freaks of nature.  They are simply manifesting an ideal, in that they are not afraid to shine their own light even into the inky black of the nighttime hours.  These people are usually very creative and imaginative, great thinkers and philosophers, a group of folks who are just more tuned into the mind, the truth of themselves and the world around them.  They shine their light into the collective unconsciousness of the world while safely ensconced in the secrecy exclusive to the night.  Their ideas (if acted upon) change the world.

These night owls are a lot like yogis who remain not awake at night but rather stay consciously aware during the night hours, usually in deep meditation (resembling sleep) or else being engaged in some secret work they are doing for the world.  They are usually lost in concentration upon some Divine thing or other or even nothing at all, whatever it so happens to be at that moment.  Their only thought is serving others thru their work.

I think that people who stay awake at night, doing their best work at night are the ones who are truly Spiritually Awake (at varying levels of awareness) and are quite literally the ones on this earth who are the bravest, the most open minded, the ones who most desire to end suffering and bring about harmony and freedom to others in need.

I feel that ‘day people’ are (generally) spiritually asleep because they are usually stuck doing some mindless, repetitive job that doesn’t inspire them creatively or imaginatively. The live their lives at the behest of daylight masters, exhibiting no will of their own, existing as zombies, seemingly alive but in truth…dead.

And yet the daylight zombies think the night owls are crazy.

Who are the freaks of nature now?


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