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Christ Consciousness or the Krishna Consciousness

The missing ingredient to decoding the Universe, for answering questions about life such as our reason for existence, the meaning of life, etc., is not missing as most unenlightened people would assert.  This magic Key is present right now.

This “missing” thing is a Key to understanding the universe, life and all that goes on within it is called by different names but the most common are the Christ Consciousness or the Krishna Consciousness.  This level of consciousness is little more than a frame of mind, a clear perspective, a clear channel for the soul to decode and discover the hidden matrix or secret program that governs how the game of life is played.  This all-powerful perspective, earned thru a proper spiritual education accompanied by a corresponding spiritual practice, is the Christ/Krishna Consciousness.  It is the Key to operating at a level beyond that of basic Monkey-Brain consciousness.

Once acquired, one’s whole life steadily becomes a veritable manifestation of the fact that one has learned and mastered the program that “secretly” operates behind the veil of the world during this experiential dream we call life.  “Secretly” is in quotes because it is not really secret if it can be found, acquired, used by any being.  And the word ‘secret’ harkens back to mind the words from the Bible, namely that when Christ comes back…all secret things would be revealed.  Sure enough with the use (can one truly say…possession or ownership?) of this mode of Consciousness, we are able to both know and understand absolutely anything that attracts our attention.  We can know all about something simply by focusing on it intently.  And doesn’t that mean that all secret things about which we wish to learn are then revealed?  Therein lies the meaning of the old Bible passage.

With this Consciousness, we can become observers of life and the world, just like good scientists performing an experiment, and we interfere as little as possible if at all (to help the experiment keep going smoothly, apparently).  It is a delicate thing for a master of the Program to interfere with the experiment because it is so easy to become identified, attached or otherwise overly concerned with the work we have done within the experiment.  This much self-important involvement with one’s work could and eventually would lead to a furthering of the experience of the experiment operating according to the commands we inserted into the program.  Such is the danger of attaching too much importance to experimental work that was done.  The science of Yoga calls this non-attachment, being ‘in the world’ but not ‘of the world’.  Christ once spoke of the world as being a bridge and that one should never build on a bridge because eventually the bridge will fail and all of one’s work will be for nothing.

So mostly, masters just watch and observe, working quietly on what they feel needs to be done while remaining unattached to any self-important thoughts and feelings concerning their work.  Although they offer direct knowledge of the fact that the world is a chimera, an illusion, and that there is little more than a grand experiment going on, very few ordinary monkey-brained humans apparently want to know such a thing.  Such knowledge leads to Death itself.  Death of the Ego.  Absolute Realization of this program, this consciousness, manifests in a death experience or even physical death itself.  Such knowledge leads to Death’s Door, one that turns out to be hidden in plain sight.

And how many people are willing to voluntarily experience death to learn the truth?


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