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Whosoever dictates, creates or controls the culture of a people controls the people themselves.  But the controller’s grasp is not total.  He/she merely creates a set of programs that dictate what kind of behavior he/she wants to see, and broadcasts them to the public so that this behavior begins to run within the minds of the masses.  And with repeated exposure to the same set of cultural programming, predictability sets in.

The only unknown, or “X” factor which can throw off this certainty is the fact that we all have Free Will, or Choice.  When we exercise that, we upset an otherwise predictable equation by severing the attempted programming coming at us from the outside.  This allows us an opportunity to exercise personal Will and become the controllers of our own programming, which then dictates our individual destinies.  In a manner of speaking, one then creates and controls his own culture.  He produces a fruit different from that of the masses.  That person is an artist who creates what has not been created before, is a truly original human being, just being his/her own natural self.

One of the strangest facts about culture is that those who control it always accuse others who oppose them of the strangest things, in an effort to discredit the fringe culture which the culture’s controllers fear or don’t understand.  Ever notice that when someone belongs to a fringe group of people who have a widely varying set of programs, beliefs, lifestyles, etc., then that person is usually accused by the culturally programmed masses as being “some kind of cultist”?  The stigma of such a charge always carries with it disdain.  Such people are usually shunned in some way or another.  The witch-craze of European history is an excellent and disturbing example.

And yet, the whole time those who are most controlled by a culture not of their own programming are accusing the consciously self-programmed free will artists of “belonging to a cult” they never see that they themselves also belong to a cult.  What irony!  But what can you expect of brain-dead cultists?  Intelligence?

All culture is the result of programming.  And programming dictates culture.  So let it be so that in your own life, you yourself program for free will, for freedom of choice, and exercise such free will of choice at all times, including the option to not have to choose either.


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