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There is no way for us to truly unite while still encased in physical bodies.  Trying to do so just leads to the couple dividing their genetic material into a new physical body which is still cursed (so to speak) with the affliction of manifesting an apparently mono-polar body.  When we see others of the opposite sex, we become immediately aware that we are not like that person.  The perception of something separate from ourselves enters the mind.  We can spend a lifetime trying to unite physically with that opposite sex but never succeed, only producing more separate entities walking around the planet.

We should touch each other gently.  This is our natural state, to be calm, kind and caring.  All communication (including touching) should be carried out with permission of the other party(s) involved.  In the practice of Tantra, the divine couple does exactly this, moving slowly and gracefully.  They know that they cannot truly connect on this physical level, so they simply enjoy touching each other as intimately as possible, as gently as possible, perhaps not even moving at all during the sex act, rather simply moving each other’s energy, and thrilling every nerve in their bodies even for hours if desired, instead of just experiencing some locally intense sensation for a few brief moments.

But when the two involved touch violently, want to hurry up, treat each other as mere “things” to help them “get off” even for just a few seconds, then their egos are in control.  They believe they are separate and treat each other as such, as though it will have no repercussion on their own selves, their reality.  If it is done without the permission of both, then it can be construed as more than a physical rape, that being open war upon the soul of the other, and by Divine law, upon one’s own self.

Ever notice that when nations go to war because of the two leaders’ disdain for each other, the leaders both behave like the egotistic couple engaging in a form of needful and selfish sex?  The leaders “get off” by hurting each other with various attacks, all the while never realizing that they are really hurting themselves.  And the leaders selfishly advertise their hate for the opposing leader to their respective nations, hypnotizing and/or threatening the country’s youth into joining up with him for a big fight with the enemy, offering a chance for alleged honor and glory on a battlefield where the ignorant youth stupidly follow their leaders’ urgings to kill complete strangers who, oddly enough are fellow young people who come from the same social and financial situation as the youth of the opposing nation, all of whom signed away their willpower to a madman who will not even fight beside them on the battlefield.

I don’t feel that the direction the world is headed (especially industrialized nations) is what God wants for us, or what any of us would truly want for ourselves if we knew the whole Truth, and recognized all the options that lay before us other than being selfish, hateful, hurtful, etc.  I think that if all people knew the rules of how life works, knew the Truth of how things operate in the universe, and were aware of the infinite choices that lay before them instead of the pathetic, limited few we are told are available by our parents, schools, politicians and society, that the majority of world’s population would choose to be absolutely anything other than a bunch of egotistical jackasses.

I really do feel that it is not only God’s Will, but our True Collective Will as well (any difference?) that wants us all to communicate with each other kindly, and touch each other gently.  I intuit that only in this gentle mode of behavior, this selfless style of compassionate personal conduct will we not only realize our similarities and inner connectedness, but also begin to create a real Utopia, a Heaven on Earth where tolerance is the norm, all people (and all things) are appreciated for what they are, and love flows freely to all, like rain falling from the sky.


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