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TITS AND DICKS–(You’ll never see them the same way again)

The tip of a man’s penis, called the Glans Penis, is identical in shape and function as the female breast.

Take a close look at the Glans and only that part of the penis.  If you have some kind of photographic or image altering software on your computer, try this.  Search the internet for a close up picture of a penis from an angle directly facing the organ.  Then use your image-altering software to isolate just the Glans itself, rotate it or otherwise position it so that the urethral opening is located at the bottom, and the crown is above.

Then search the internet again for a close up picture of a young woman’s breasts, with the camera being placed directly in front of them.  Now look at the image of the cropped Glans for a moment, and then look one of the breasts for a moment.  Do you see the similarity?

Altar the size of the image of the Glans so it is about the same relative size of the image of the close-up breasts, then position the picture of the Glans over just one of the breasts and compare it to the other exposed breast.

Now do you see the similarity?  See the resemblance of both organs?

Life flows from both organs.  We worship both organs.

Men and women are the same creature, just manifesting in opposite polarity, their “different” organs being the same thing manifesting on opposing positions on their respective bodies.


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