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An examination of one of the most gruesome nursery rhymes may prove its origin to be in Quabbalah.

Rock a bye baby on the tree top

When the wind blows the cradle will rock.

When the bough breaks the cradle will fall

And down will come baby cradle and all.

I actually think these altogether gruesome lyrics (sung to a baby of all people!) refer to a simple fact of Yoga—breath.

The first line refers to a state of non-breathing and the peace of God that we feel within as a result.  In that state we are at the top of the Quabbalistic Tree of Life.

The second line tells us that when we begin to breath, we dangerously tilt from one side to another.  Stated another way, we begin to dangerously delve into Polarity, swinging wildly from side to side, jeopardizing our position of peace at the top of the Tree.

The third line tells us that if we swing too much or too far, we disturb our natural state of being at peace and fall down the tree.

And the fourth tells us the eventual consequences of breath (breath = life) and delving too much into Polarity–suffering.  And we fall down the Tree of Life, all the way down to the bottom.

The lesson here is not to swing too far in Polarity, but to be as close to the middle as possible, thereby assuring the Peace of God will be ours.

For God is experienced only in the most peaceful place on the Tree of Life.

And that is found at the very top, experiencing Oneness, forever above Polarity.

Just a thought…better this interpretation than the obvious and ghastly meaning of this weird nursery rhyme!


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