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Those who protest the ways of life of others, and actively seek to interfere with those ways, are fearful people who generally harvest an early death.  When life is perceived in an illusory way, then desiring death (consciously or unconsciously) is certainly a pity, but understandable.

And then there are those who simply live their lives of joy, doing as they will while seeking no ill intent on others.  They are those who master death itself, stave it off, and frighten it off even!  Living this way allows you to be grateful for the life you have already, being so fulfilled and satisfied that you can even smile at the thought that your own death may be coming soon.

Living your life as you will always puts a calm look of content on your face, as well as serene state of mind that cancels out the would-be effects of the zoo-like entertainment going in the movie called Life, foremost of these effects being that of ‘taking life too seriously’.  For to take life too seriously is to take a movie seriously.  When anyone comes out of a movie theater thinking that what they just saw is real, don’t his more enlightened friends usually tell him he is crazy?

Do movies really affect you as anything other than just another story anymore?  Do you not know that it is all a big movie, an ongoing Comedy/Drama that no one in their right mind would think that this nonsensical movie is ‘for real’.  Why fear the proliferation of war machines?  Remember that it is composed of the same God-stuff that you are, and therefore will not hurt you.  Since when has a movie reached out and punched you?.  And even if it did (such as the Star Trek type ‘holodeck’) wouldn’t you know that it is not really there to hurt you unless you programmed it to do so?  And even then, you wouldn’t be taking it so seriously that you would program it to kill you?  How could it?

When you are One with Divinity, then you know that it is not in God’s nature to hurt God, i.e., Itself.  As it happened to one saint who worshipped Divinity (as the Hindu Deity ‘Vishnu’) one day when he saw an oncoming attack by a man with a large sword, he calmly stated “I am Vishnu, you (the attacker) are Vishnu, that blade is Vishnu, therefore it will not harm me for how can Vishnu attack itself?”  And the blade turned to dust right in the hand of the man.  His attack now foiled, he ran off in fright.

Now that is total identification of one’s own Self as One with Deity.


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