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The only difference between laughter and crying is that the cause of both, though the same in either case, is a perception that is registered as either pleasant or unpleasant, and the manifestation is a violent disruption of the nervous system, the difference being of course that tears accompany the crying (and in extreme cases, laughter too).

The cause which is the same in both instances is this—a false perception that something is wrong.  Buddha once stated that “Everything is as it should be.”  When one can experience a state of mind like that full time, then there is nothing that can make one laugh or cry.  Think about it.  If nothing makes you laugh or cry, then perhaps it is because you are on some level perceiving everything as happening exactly the way it should, a natural manifestation of the original cause/desire that started the whole panorama in the first place.  So if everything is running smoothly, what can make you mourn or burst in laughter if you see that the machinery is running smoothly?  Remember how the Bible’s Book of Revelation mentioned something about “wiping away every tear”?  This is a reference to the state of consciousness that allows one to see all things as equal—therefore no reason to mourn or weep over anything.

If what you perceive is disturbing, then that is all the reason/cause one needs to do some useful spiritual service to humanity still suffering in the hell they created for themselves.


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