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Seeing only the parts of the universe as opposed to the whole is a dangerous thing to do unless one already has attained and maintained a universal holistic perspective within oneself.  Seeing only parts threatens us in the sense that it causes us to sacrifice our spiritually inclined universal perspective of seeing the Whole, which is our natural state of Being.  Seeing only parts (as most people do) is unnatural and leads to delusion, unless of course one already possesses the Universal perspective that is acquired upon Enlightenment.  And how many people already have the benefit of such a Universal perspective?  At this point in history, not many.

When we look at the parts instead of the whole, the parts make us pay attention (a tension).  This ‘tension’ arises from a divided perspective called Polarity, which is separation from the Whole, the Universal, and this causes a tension in the Soul, for in the natural holistic (whole-istic) state of Being, there is nothing to be tense about.  Think about it.  What could cause more tension and stress to the Soul that was at one with the Universe than to suddenly sacrifice its natural state of Oneness than to sacrifice this in exchange of Polarity, tension, and the resulting unnatural perspective of focusing on a single thing when that single thing is everything but the Whole thing?  Believing that the various parts of the Universe (as well as our own individual parts) exist as separate from the whole (therefore requiring our attention) keeps the Soul imprisoned in an unnatural polar state of existence.

When we focus instead on the whole (in thought and deed), then no individual part of the whole can possibly control us by any means because in truth we then possess the truth that there really are no parts of the universe (though it looks that way.  Instead we realize deep down that It is All just One Big Thing and we are One with All.

Only in doing the spiritual work required to reacquire this long lost Original perspective, attaining it, and maintaining it for life can we ever hope to be guided by true wisdom and knowledge.  Once this state of Original Being is established within, then it is possible to ‘see’ a ‘part’ and know everything about that part because we truly know that it is not an individual thing apart from everything else, but rather is only displaying itself as an illusionary part when in fact it is really One with the Whole.

After attaining the Wholly (holy) perspective, then anything we choose to do as karma-dharma work is given/performed with the full knowledge of being for the benefit of the whole, not just the parts.

In this way, even when ‘one thing’ serves another ‘one thing’……the truth is…All are served.


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