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Masters, yogis and adepts may be defined in the following way.  They are souls “living in denial”—denial of the illusion portrayed before them as the alleged reality we call life.

It seems only natural to me that it really is Compassion for all of suffering humanity that keeps us coming “back from the dead” (reincarnation) to try again like a madman to be of help to the whole world, or universe even.  To completely Deny the Universe by denying your very sense perceptions of it (control of the senses) is to completely Die to the World, literally sacrificing one’s life to the World, favoring the Peace of Samadhi, or rather a Mahasamadhi (a conscious death, the actual physical death of the Yogi’s body).

Practicing yoga is all about learning to discern and deny false perceptions of life as they come into experience, favoring an all consuming Joy that comes from realizing the whole Matrix Computer is functioning correctly, and the Machinery is in good working order.  So there is little reason to not be happy because you know it is all operating properly, and everything is as it should be, because it is all going according as programmed to do so by all the incarnate souls here in the physical level of experience.

Despite seeming differing appearances, All that we see and feel and experience in life is The Same Thing.  It is all just endlessly changing variations of a One Thing.  And That thing is?  Vibration.  The faster one realizes that All is Vibration, the closer to the Truth will one be.  One’s whole life will be an expression of Truth, a self expression of Truth, every manifestation a projection/reflection of one’s self.

It seems to my perception that all people (all things, really) are expressing themselves Truthfully at all times with every action they undertake and every cause they create.  The thing to keep in mind here in regards to spiritual development is that it is one’s perception itself that changes over time to the point that one finally realizes that one is expressing/projecting/creating the whole universe with every action and cause one generates, and further realizes that it is all the perceptions that caused the problem in the first place.  Paying attention to it all as if it were a real thing that exists outside of yourself is the problem.  It is NOT outside of you, but rather is an outwardly perceived expression of one’s own inner self.

The above paragraph describes the psychological effect that accompanies the state of mind in which you perceive All as One.

By way of example, I have noticed at times in deep meditation that I have perceived the “Universe as One” so clearly that my own body did not seem to exist anymore.  For the duration of the meditation I seemed to have completely forgotten that my body existed and could no longer even detect its presence.


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