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Contracting the sphincter muscle causes the heart’s blood pressure to temporarily spike.

Kriya yogis and Tantric masters can stop their breath and heart’s pulse through years of practice.  Part of their practice (sadhana) involves meditation techniques that require contractions of the sphincter muscle.  This practice is key to stopping the heart.

I suspect that the reason why some unhealthy people die during sex lies in the fact that the sphincter muscle contracts involuntarily during orgasm, spiking the unhealthy person’s unhealthy heart, causing a heart attack.

And yet the same can be said of Yoga and Tantra masters, namely that at the height of their meditational practice their hearts also stop beating—they die.  The difference here lies in the fact that these masters literally possess the Key to Life and Death (the two Keys of St. Peter), which means they can voluntarily stop the process of life and restart it, coming back to life as though flipping a light switch, illuminating their bodies at will.

The Secret of Life and Death lies in controlling the body, breath and heart with coordinating meditation, ritualized breathing and sphincter contractions.  Through practice, the body is ‘tamed’ by demonstrating to it that you can kill it at any time you choose.

I seem to remember an old spiritual axiom which goes something like this…… “Whosoever controls the breath controls the body, masters life itself, and rules the world.”


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