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The world is fine without us human beings being here.  The universe is able to hum along quite well enough without our constant interference.  Our presence here is not in any way required.  We are here out of free will, a choice freely made.

Therefore (and with the previous statement in mind) I find it impossible to understand then,…why in the goddamned hell any of us would want to make a goddamned living hell for ourselves, engaging in literally endless wars and violent conflict, making eternal misery for every last human on earth.

Why on earth is it that we totally go against our very nature to love one another, to literally BE love itself, to give love and receive love constantly, to be in Joy, Ecstasy?…and instead trading that easily acquired Heaven on Earth for the Hell sold to us by our greedy governments and their blind, mindless, bloodthirsty puppets we foolishly call “leaders”?  The only thing they are leading is a bunch of blind, ignorant and stupid sheep.

I wish more people would learn the value of the word “NO”.  Few things are more valuable in our lives than to know when to say NO and follow your own way, your own path, and live your own life of your own free choosing.

If people would just say NO en masse, then all the power we have sold to the governments and their slave masters will return to us, for us to use as directed by our choices—the way God intended us to live.


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