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“The eyes are the window to the soul.”

Here are a few curious facts about the eyes.

The pupil dilates when we are relaxed or sexually aroused.  This action lets in more light, more information into the brain, giving us the ability to more accurately detect truth around us in the visual range of perception.

But the pupil also dilates when we are under the influence of entheogens, plants whose very name means “God is within”.  I find it interesting that when we ingest a plant containing God within, our body reacts the same way as when relaxed or sexually aroused, and our pupils open up to receive more light, more information into the brain, giving us the ability to more accurately detect truth around us in the visual range of perception.

Entheogens, relaxation, sexual arousal.  The experiences of all 3 are linked by the same manifestation within the body, the eye in particular.  All 3 therefore are successful means by which we may discern truth.

What is God telling us here?

Perhaps what is indicated is that any state of mind that is other than being high, relaxed or aroused is detrimental to the detection of the truth, reception of the truth, and realization of the truth.

Given these simple (and hopefully obvious) facts, what is the eventual result of letting some external ‘authority’ force, coerce or otherwise demand anyone spend their entire lives being eternally sober, stressful, and sexually repressed?

The answer is…Damnation of the Soul.

God is waiting for us all only if we approach It in an Altered State, by whatever method that suits the individual.

Better to at least attempt to find God utilizing any and all methods and techniques that the ‘authorities’ deem wrong, illegal, forbidden, etc., than to spend the remainder of one’s life in a state of damnation not of our own choosing.

The choice is yours.

Choose wisely.


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