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Magic powers help us realize one way or another on some level or another, that the 3 Dimensional experience we call life is not as real as we think, nor is the 3D Universe.  Even before reaching enlightenment the spiritual student can still realize this in some way.  I wonder if the student who focuses more on enlightenment rather than acquiring magic powers, isn’t in some way moving faster towards the Goal than the wannabe-wizard obsessed with powers?  It seems to me that such a wizard is either blind to the Truth, or else knows the Truth and simply denies it while working his spells.  I think that either the unconscious or consciously denied failure to realize the Truth is the Folly of All, and especially those who use their powers for selfish aims.  It was Hermes Trismegistus who wrote that “Unacquaintance with truth is the greatest sin.

Those who are aware of the Truth and still consciously choose to be here (rather than the wizard who denies) in the 3d plane are what we call Enlightened, because they no longer need to be here and would rather not continue doing so, but they remain here anyway out of Love, out of Compassion for those who either don’t have the Truth.  It is a thankless job and so the Master must accept it as such with humility.  He serves God by serving others with his acquired Divine and sublime powers of Truth as his tool, weapon, shield, armor and most valuable possession as he fights to bring the Truth that will bring Freedom and Light to a Darkened world.


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