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“If you ain’t first, you last!”  So says a racecar driver character from a recent Hollywood film.  The meaning in the context of the film is easily deciphered…if you don’t cross the finish line first, you may as well be in last place.

But then the Polar Opposite meaning came to me in a flash—If you don’t occupy yourself with competing against others, chasing after money, acquiring things, or other myriad selfish activities that would make you First (in the eyes of the world),…then you last, in that you survive a lot longer, and going further perhaps even meaning that your very Soul itself consciously survives beyond Death, which is in fact, just one much touted effect of Enlightenment.

“If you ain’t first, you last!”  Sounds like good advice to me…from a certain perspective.

Sounds like slang for “Be humble” or “Let it be” or “Don’t worry, be happy” or “Be still, and know that I am God” and so on and so on in that spiritual vein.

“If you ain’t first, you last!”………and to that, I say “Goddamned right!!


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