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When you submit to God, you dominate the world.  If you would control your world around you, or your life (and your Fate along with it), then submit to the Inner Voice of Intuition that comes from the Soul which is a middle man that goes between the Universal Spirit and the Physical Body (which is one and the same as the world that appears to surround it).

Practicing Hatha Yoga (those physical postures that look like “tying yourself into a knot”) is a way to submit to God and control your Fate.  This miraculous power comes about from the training-acquired ability to perform any posture at any level of difficulty perfectly while remaining totally calm, relaxed and breathing evenly and deeply and slowly.  The hidden idea here is that the postures represent all of the challenges, trials and tribulations we may experience in life.  If you can remain calm through a posture that corresponds to some aspect of life, then if it is your fate to experience that aspect of life before you die, you will know that you can pass thru it, transcend it, perhaps even eliminate the very need to experience it—hence the reason some claim that Hatha Yoga grants powers to the yogi.  They are right of course, though the power manifests from a passive kind of application, for to actively such power for selfish gain is hardly becoming of a yogi.

To sum up, if you submit to the challenge/pain/suffering of yoga postures, then you govern your own life, control your fate and therefore may even eliminate the need to experience said challenge/pain/suffering that otherwise occur during the course of one’s life, or at least one would mitigate his/her perceptions of that experience in some way, perhaps diminishing the sting of the event to more manageable levels.


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