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Something occurred to me one night after the full moon, walking under its pale reflected light shining thru thin hazy clouds.  I realized the reason ancient peoples, especially the pagans and witches of old Europe practiced their rituals like clockwork every year.  They were aiming to reconnect to the Source, to remember that they are more than just physical bodies, that they are spirits inhabiting souls inhabiting bodies.  They practiced their rituals to maintain sanity in their souls while still here in this crazy, messed up 3d reality we call the world.  In their rituals they used chants, dances, drama, and various intoxicating, psychoactive plants like cannabis and/or psychedelic mushrooms (or whatever was available in the geographic region), all in an effort to make contact with Divinity.

Thanks to the forceful conversion from the Christian church, the overwhelming majority of people in Europe (or anyone of European descent) have totally forgotten their ancient pagan roots.  They have substituted those successful rituals of old which answered their souls’ spiritual needs, and exchanged them for dead rituals conducted by clueless, soul-dead middlemen clad in fancy robes who parrot nebulous nonsense from a nearly indecipherable symbolic book while standing on a raised platform once a week.

The result is a population of equally soul-dead zombies who are surviving (don’t dare call it living) day after day in a joyless, robotic, empty state of “existence” they mistakenly call life, all the while thinking they possess the truth of themselves when the fact is that all their lives they have never even been exposed to It due to the fact that the stale weekly ritual they watch every week has never provided and never will provide that needed inner connection, much less spark the soul’s remembrance.

These Goddamned organized western religions have simply got to go…


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