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As above, so below.  As below, as above.  What is found above is found below.  The greatest reflects the smallest.

In the Hermetic tradition, the 4 ancient Elements (fire, air, water, earth) manifest in the body as a fiery head, an airy chest, a watery abdomen, and an earthy pair of legs (plus the rest of the body in principle).  Our body is a living “density float”, a term from chemistry that refers to the relative density of fluids such as water, mineral spirits, mercury, etc.  If all of these various fluids are placed in a clear glass container such as a drinking glass, the fluids would all occupy a different vertical level within the container—mercury on the bottom, water in the middle, mineral spirits on top.

Again, within the physical body the relative density of the Hermetic elements is displayed by their vertical position on the body.  To repeat, fire is located at the top (head), followed by air (chest), then water (abdomen) and earth (rump and legs) at the bottom.

But since the human body reflects the Divine, we must therefore be a reflection of God as It appears on Earth, mirroring the very pattern of God in the same way all things manifest on earth.  All things begin in the Nothingness called Akasha (or the ‘Ether’) and proceed down to fire, air, water and earth.  What appears on Earth has its origin in Divinity and is channeled thru us onto the projection screen before us called life.

Even the physical locations of the elements on the very planet itself reflect how it appears here in our body.  Starting at the highest point, there is a fiery sun in the sky (fire), followed by an atmosphere (air), an ocean (water), and solid ground (earth) at the very bottom.  This is merely one proof that what appears out there on Earth is a reflection of our own bodies.  On a deeper level this means that there really is no difference between the physical universe and our physical bodies.  The arbitrary dividing line (if one needs one) may be said to be our skin.  But our skin (just like our entire body) is made of the same basic elements as the universe, essentially proving that there is no essential difference between the physical universe and our body.  So again, the dividing line is subjective at best.  In fact the very notion of this purely illusionary dividing line finds it origin with the Ego and is certainly not to be accepted as true.


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