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Light is irresistibly drawn to a black hole by gravity.  Once light gets close enough to the black hole, it cannot escape the black hole’s gravitational pull.  This is generally presented to the public as some kind of scientific tragedy on a colossal scale.  It certainly sounds strange to say this, but scientists never seem to think for even a nanosecond that maybe the light doesn’t want to escape.  That maybe it is the very purpose and function of light’s existence to illuminate everything, even the scientifically and mathematically fascinating and terrifying Black Hole.  All of creation wants light, even the darkness…especially the darkness.

It looks like what we are seeing on a cosmic scale with light and the black hole is what is happening on every smaller level as well.

Light’s very function is to illuminate the darkness.  This is the nature of light—to dispel darkness.  For the Biblically inclined, there is a verse which states “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness can do nothing against it.”  Stated another way, the purpose of darkness is to try and snuff out the light, to destroy it.  But it is doomed to fail.  Even the famed black hole does not totally destroy the light that gets sucked into it—some radiation escapes.

But so what if the darkness attempts to destroy the light?!?  It will never work.  I use the word ‘attempts’ because no matter how hard the darkness tries, it can do nothing against the light.  That is just elementary physics.  Light expands endlessly and seemingly effortlessly.  It is impossible to destroy light once it has left its source.  Like sunlight, it just spreads out evenly in all directions.

On the more mundane plane of life, it seems that the darkness of human ignorance and selfishness is doing everything it can to eliminate the light of knowledge and wisdom wherever it is found.  In recent years, the darkness has even gone so far as to destroy some isolated monasteries and convents around the world.  Even spirituality is under attack.

A question—is it really so big a leap of consciousness to think of the darkness in humans as a black hole that is attempting to destroy the light of knowledge and wisdom found in the more enlightened members of the population?

The thing that the darkness never seems to understand is that even if it manages to destroy an enlightened group and their home, the truth is that somehow or other their light of knowledge and wisdom inevitably gets spread out to other places.  Therefore the darkness unwittingly helps distribute the very light it attempted to eliminate—stupid.

In our generation it was proven mathematically and scientifically that not everything is doomed when it falls prey to a black hole.  As it turns out, only the negatively charged particles get sucked in—the positively charged particles escape as energy called Hawking radiation (named after Stephen Hawking).

So even on the cosmic stage we find a replication of what happens when an enclave of light is attacked by darkness.  Only that which is expendable gets destroyed while that which is precious escapes to take root somewhere else.  This is exactly what is happening with the attacks on spiritual groups around the world these days.  They may lose a building or two, perhaps some of the members of the group and even a large portion of their more superfluous knowledge and technology, but somehow and someway the essential light they have safeguarded inevitably spreads out somewhere else.

The ever-increasingly vicious actions of the darkness these days is like a destructive child who thinks he can destroy a dandelion by plucking it and blowing on its delicate structure until all of its little white hair-like seeds disperse.  But then what happens?  Those seeds just grow into more dandelions somewhere else!

The dumbest thing the darkness can ever do is to try to destroy the light.  How can you destroy something whose very nature is to expand endlessly without fail?  IMPOSSIBLE!

So go ahead darkness…give it your best shot.  The more you try, the more you fail.  The more you try to break it, the more the little pieces spread out and become harder to maintain.

But what can else can you expect of darkness?  Something intelligent?

I think not!

This be the Tao of stupid.


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