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Gravity is love.  Love is not dependant on mass (matter).  Love exists as just one expression of consciousness.  Consciousness is not limited to mass.  Consciousness creates mass.  The more creation, the more love, for there must be the interaction of love born out of consciousness in order to manifest mass.  The more love, the more gravity, for gravity is a subtle force born of the love present in consciousness.  Without love, there would be no matter, no mass for us to experience…and to fool us into thinking that a large planetary body is the origin of gravity.  The cause is always more subtle.

When consciousness extends itself to the limits of the universe, then the soul is in fact encompassing all of the love-created matter that exists as mass across the entire universe.

During enlightenment, the soul realizes it is consciousness and extends to encompass all of creation, in effect increasing its mass to infinity.  This makes sense because the soul itself is extending its flexible dimensions to infinity.  This incidentally, is how teleportation is achieved.  In other words, any existing physical thing must extend its consciousness beyond its own limited little body (the physical body is not truly real) and stretch itself to encompass all of creation, in essence ‘forgetting’ its body in favor of the subtle consciousness that created the body in the first place.

Once done, using concentration, and imagining where it would like to travel in the universe, the soul can travel beyond the speed of light since it has transcended everything in existence including the speed of light, so therefore it is one with all of creation, one with the speed of light, and one with the transcendental consciousness from which it all emanated.

This state of mind allows one to move thru space-time with ease.  This is teleportation.  The process is limited only by the ability of the soul to utilize focus and visualization, and the physical borders of the manifested universe (if it exists).


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