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What is life if nothing but a bunch of memories?  The joyful surprises and the unexpected tragedies.  The enthusiasm and the tedium.  The creativity and the monotony.  The love and the loneliness.  All the highs and the lows that imprint us for eternity.

At the end of one’s life (especially if one knows it is coming) it is common for one to reflect on the life one has led.  Perhaps the soul wants to review it all and see if it has led a good and happy life, if it achieved all that it wanted, if it released the useless, and achieved balance before the great Equalizer Death forces a the balance, and takes the soul back home.

If one can honestly say that one has done all that one could do with the gifts they possessed while ensconced in their environment (favorable or not) and given the circumstances that the met along the way…then one may rest assured knowing that life was well lived and there is no need to feel unfinished, no reason to be ashamed, guilty, or saddened for any reason whatsoever—period.

This is liberation from the rounds of life and death.  This is true peace.  Eternal rest.

This is the eventual fate of all souls.


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