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The Incas of 500 years ago did not build Machu Picchu.  It was built 27000 years ago by Initiates of a Brotherhood that has existed since humanity first appeared on this planet.  It was built to preserve a small enlightened community whose sole purpose was to preserve the highest Spiritual knowledge and technology possessed by the Brotherhood at the time.  They knew that a Dark Age was approaching fast, so preservation and continuity of all knowledge was essential so that they could then leave the community when the time was right after various earthly cataclysms and spread once again the seeds of Spirituality, Truth and Knowledge amongst the humanity who survived the destruction but had degenerated into various levels of barbarism.

That destruction took place about 26000 years ago when the Earth’s Precessional wobble had once again swung around towards the dark, evil end of its cycle.

And now here we are once again nearly at that same point in time when massive transformation/destruction takes place.  Only this time, the ways and means of spreading that ancient knowledge has grown tremendously.  Now that the ancient knowledge has been spread/discovered by a few brave souls (especially during the last 500 years), there stands the possibility for all to transform to another, much higher level of existence, of consciousness itself.


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