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The physical plane (this includes the physical human body) is the final and densest manifestation of Divine Consciousness.  And this world we perceive outside of ourselves is really projected from the inside-out thru the utilization of the 7 Chakras, each identical with the 7 rainbow colors.  The Ego is the prism that separates the original Light of Divinity.  The Light of God is a manifestation of Divine Consciousness and is delivered to the human being through the uppermost Crown Chakra down into the brain (the physical organ manifested from that chakra).  This Chakra is said to have 1000 permutations or ‘petals’ of a lotus flower, as it is usually called in the Science of Yoga.

The Hermetic magician Franz Bardon stated in his book The Practice of Magical Evocation that the Philospher’s Stone has the projection power of 10,000 to 1.  Among other things, the Stone of the Wise has the power to cause a rapid Enlightenment to ensue within the consciousness of the imbiber, i.e., the brain of the one consuming the Stone of Projection.  How?  The answer is found within the meaning of the number 10,000.

1000 = the Divine Consciousness attained from the opening of the Crown Chakra.

10 = physical manifestation, the earth, the world of form.

1000 x 10 = 10,000.

Simply stated, the occult meaning of the number 10,000 means that the sum total of Divine Consciousness (1000) is projected into the physical body and brain (10) of the consumer, thus resulting in an expansion of consciousness towards Divinity, i.e., attaining Enlightenment, knowledge of God, etc.

Is that enough reason for you?


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