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The reason that ancient man began arming himself with stones, knives, spears and such seems as obvious as the reason people do it still to this day with modern weapons like guns and knives and bombs.  Like their ancient ancestors, modern humanity still has no inner knowledge and realization that they are truly One With God and have nothing to fear.

When the ancients first feared, they simply forgot that they were One with All Things including the animals and other humans, i.e., they feared being attacked by something that seemed to be on the outside.  They had forgotten that all that they saw around them was a movie-hologram projected by the Supreme Conscious Mind to which they were all linked.  This initial thought that they were different from what they were experiencing contributed to an experience of Fear, and this fear caused them to think that any one or more things ‘out there’ could possibly hurt them in some way.  Hence, grab an object (any object will do) and use it against anything that is ‘out there’.  Spiritual Truth is really that simple, if one can understand it thru the morass of one’s own genetically inherited fear.

We are safe.  When we see it and feel it and know it, then nothing can hurt you.  And the more profoundly one realizes this Truth, the more safe one becomes.  After all, since everything is just a projection of the Supreme Mind, why would any part of God’s Conscious Mind attack another part of that same Conscious Mind?  Silly.  Therefore, why would anything or anyone attack you?  That is the best kind of protection, to realize that you don’t need to be protected, and then no thing hurts you.  And neither do you attract it or anything at all to yourself if you don’t focus on it.  Such statements may sound absurd.  But the lives of many spiritual masters, saints, yogis, etc., exemplify this.  There are countless stories testifying to these statements.  Just look for them.  Research it yourself!

The ‘civilized’ world wants us to think everything can hurt us, and people believe it.  And the Dark Side wins.  Hence the reason for the sad state of the world today.  Silly.  And definitely unnecessary.

Forget fear.  No need of it!  If life is what we make it, they why would anyone voluntarily choose fear and fear related stuff or ideas?  Pointless!

Be joyful, for you are One with It All, the Universal Spirit.  If you don’t realize it today, don’t worry too much about it.

One day, you will realize it.


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