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Do not overlook someone’s aloofness or indifference when you openly reveal some alleged sin or supposed fault in your character.  Such an apparently transparent attitude is actually God’s Merciful Forgiveness in disguise.  Such a person can be a lifelong friend.

Only a jackass reacts with horror and condemnation to all manner of evil that manifests in the world.  Ignore these fools.  For they know nothing of God, much less the spiritual amnesty that is extended to us every moment of every day.  If God didn’t forgive us our stupidity on a daily basis, none of us would survive past infancy.

Regarding the above truth, then in one sense it doesn’t matter what we do with our lives.  We are forgiven each microsecond of every second of every minute, forever for every little slip up on our part.  We are forgiven that we may acquire enough time to learn from our errors.  That is truly Divine.  It happens every day.

Therefore, pay no attention to the loud shrieking and rambling of misguided souls who know not their connection to the Eternal Spirit, always shouting a flurry of condemnations at everything but the sun.


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