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The movie Minority Report is based upon the writings of author Philip K. Dick.  The story demonstrates the absurdity of arresting people and imprisoning them for crimes they are allegedly destined to commit in the future, essentially robbing people of their God-given right of Free Will to choose for themselves what to do at every instant of time in their lives.

The modern day penal system demonstrates the absurdity of arresting people for having already used their God-given right of Free Will to choose for themselves what to do at every instant of time in their lives.

Either way, what we have here is a violation of Free Will, except that the only difference is one of Time, which occult science tells us is illusionary.

People who don’t like others using their free will to choose things that are even slightly out of the ‘norm’ always end up finding a way to deceive the masses into thinking that certain choices are wrong for everyone when in fact they are only wrong for themselves alone.  Everyone has the right to act of their own free will.  No one has the right to punish anyone else for anything.  What happens, happens.  There is nothing we can do to change what is past, and putting people away for just doing what they want to do is just a symbolic way for fearful zombies to ease their minds when confronted with a manifestation of someone else’s freewill choice that they themselves (for whatever reason) will not allow themselves to make.  So rather than be reminded of their own limitation, they project their limitation onto someone else by putting them away.  And then both parties have been condemned.

This mode of action is absurd.  It is NOT divine in any way.  Useless.

Try Wisdom.  Try Forgiveness.  Try Healing.

Who knows?  It may just work.  It certainly hasn’t been tried yet.”—George Carlin


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