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Where does beauty come from if not from the Almighty that has created it in the first place?

Why do populations in industrialized, so-called ‘advanced’ civilizations have such a totally needless problem with nudity?  How exactly did tits and dicks become such a horrible thing, even when displayed in any manner of beautiful artistic expression?  Why do modern cultures have such aversion to human nudity?

Why do ignorant populations belittle beautiful women?  Why do they like to tear down lovely girls (especially celebrities) and shred them to pieces in any way possible?  Why do the masses so love to destroy women in the media?  Are they still falling prey to some ancient genetically encoded desire to sacrifice young girls, even if that currently means that we destroy them using the media?

Beauty is just harmony expressed and simultaneously recognized as such.  Harmonious music gives us pleasure because it is beautiful.  Harmonious paintings and sculptures give us pleasure as well.   So why is the beauty of a naked human being so denigrated?  If a human body is harmonious, then it is internally recognized as beautiful, and it should give us pleasure—that is only normal.

So why do modern societies tend to hate pleasure so much?  Especially as it pertains to a beautiful young woman?

Why has society (in general) fallen so far down a needless hole of despair, with no beauty, no harmony, no pleasure, nothing to soothe us whatsoever?

How is it that we have come to favor anger, discontentment, warfare and hatred rather than the simple joys of pleasure that God has ordained for us all to savor as we will?

The religious delusion of preoccupation with needlessly perceived ‘sin’ has destroyed us all…


One Response to “NIPPLES & DICKS…OH MY!”

  1. Cunty McGhee Says:

    Everything is the devil! “Civilized” socities are mostly run by the hard core jumppy uppy downies… their wanton lust is not theif fault of course! It’s the brazen hussies!
    I’m pro-dicks & titties (labias, too!)

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