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There is so much bullshit in the media these days about the subject of health.  Every news channel has its own alleged health expert doling out useless information on how to stay healthy.  I used the word ‘alleged’ because one major news network recently had its so-called expert repeatedly push people to take measures against yet another killer virus, and yet what happened?  The expert caught the damned virus! Enough said.

If you wish to stay healthy, the key is movement or flowing.  Everything about you must flow.  To hold still invites illness,…or worse.

Since ancient times, the wisest physicians have extolled the virtue of keeping all of the vital forces of the body in a state of flow.  To do this perfectly ensures perfect health.  The degree to which you are not flowing will determine your relative health, and the illness that results is directly related to which of your vital forces is not moving.

The human body is like a machine.  When the parts flow together harmoniously, health is assured.  If any part is not functioning properly, illness results.

All of the above statements are easily understood if one uses the following simple examples.

If your bowels are obstructed, you cannot excrete waste.  Illness results.

If you are dehydrated, or your digestion is weak, you cannot extract vital nutrients from food.  Illness results.

If your lungs are infected or clogged or diseased, you cannot extract oxygen.  Illness results.

If you never exercise your body, your vitality decreases.  Illness results.

Simple, eh?

All of these basic bodily systems must function properly to have any chance of producing health.

No amount of flu vaccinations, antibiotics, or harsh chemical drugs can replace the deceptively simplistic means which Divinity has ordained us to use to maintain health.  FACT!

Paying exorbitant amounts of money to some invisible health insurance corporation will NOT produce health.

However, using that money to purchase healthy food can produce health.  Drinking clean water can produce health.  Breathing clean air can produce health.  Engaging in a moderate amount of the exercise of your choice can produce health.  All 4 of these simple suggestions practiced each & every day can produce health.  And it has worked this way since…FOREVER.

Ancient civilizations prospered without health insurance and vaccinations and MRI’s.  They built towering structures of pure stone without the benefit of a modern disease-infested hospital loaded with electronic equipment.

All of the answers to our health problems are found in NATURE.  End of argument.

The same energetic forces that flow thru Nature and produce health in Her plants and creatures are the EXACT SAME forces that flow thru us as well, and can produce the same health as found in Nature’s life forms.

All that is needed is to examine Nature to discover Her secrets, for She hides Her secrets in plain sight.  It is humanity that has erred if it is sick and remains so.  She can heal you with the same forces of Divinity that flow thru Her, for She is the very manifestation of Divinity’s Eternal Forces.  The choice is up to the human being to flow with Nature and Divinity, or to ignore it and perish in pain and sickness.

But neither Divinity nor Nature will choose for you.

And when your final breath is drawn, when Death arrives for you (as it does for ALL living things) you will know for a fact that despite the external situations into which you may have lived, be they favorable or not, it was you and your efforts that helped produce as much abundant health as was possible (in your life circumstance) to stave off the Final Visitor for as long as was the duration of your life.  Dying old or young matters not.  It is the health-related choices we made during life that are important.  No one can take that away from you.  Do your best, or don’t.  Heed the ancient forces or don’t.  Flow with God and Its Forces of Nature…or don’t.

That really is all that one need do to be healthy.


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