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It has been stated so many times before by so many spiritual authors, for it is so very true…

There is no such thing as coincidence.

The phenomenon of Coincidence or Synchronicity (sync, for short) happens all the time.  Everyday, everyone can notice at least one sync if they are open to noticing such.  Heck, sometimes we can’t help but notice a sync because of its seemingly extraordinary characteristic in it manifestation.  Perhaps the sync happens in a very short time, as in “I was just thinking about that!”  Perhaps it is a word or phrase that reflects something you were thinking about recently that is repeated back to you from someone you never met before while attending a party.  Or maybe you hear this thought reflected back to you from a phrase you overhear out in the street from someone engaged in a private conversation with someone else, or even talking on a cell phone.  Or maybe you heard it from an annoying TV commercial that you never paid attention to before.  This type of sync is called a ‘cledon’.

Or maybe the sync comes in a different fashion altogether.  Sometimes when you are thinking about something, wondering if your thoughts are correct on the matter, you may notice that your clock or CD player time counter reads something like 1:11 or 4:44 or 11:11 or even 12:12.  This is one of the more common forms of sync being observed by uncountable people today (a quick internet search will prove this).  This is a sync in the form of a recognizable pattern with no apparent connection to what was being thought.  It just happened to be noticed at the right time and must be interpreted as merely a signal of confirmation.  The numbers or number patterns don’t necessarily have to contain some hidden meaning, though they might if you are the type of person who studies numerology.

So much for how the synchronicity process functions.  But what is rarely realized by people who notice these syncs is that this is actually Divinity’s way of reflecting back to you something It wants you to pay attention to.  In other words, it means (if you are spiritually inclined) that you are on the right track.  Call them a signpost on the road of life letting you know that you are in fact on the right road.

Furthermore, what is almost never realized by those people who are new to the phenomenon of noticing syncs is that they themselves are creating them.  Upon contemplating that for a while, one may venture to think the unthinkable—that they are more powerful than they ever imagined.  But upon examination, this should not shock anyone who is even able to think of such a notion.  After all, we are One With God, connected to God, and are not only able to act as stewards of the earth, but we are verily commanded to be such.  Everything we do in life is reflected back to us, all of the good and bad alike.  This reflection is the phenomenon of coincidence or synchronicity.  Likewise, everything we do on God’s behalf is reflected back to us a sync.

But when we act on God’s behalf, then we should not be so amazed that the feedback we get from the Universe should get our attention through apparent ‘miracles’.  The simple truth is that everything that we do in life is a miracle—it just isn’t always recognized as such until we get some unexpected feedback that grabs our attention, initiating a state of spiritual bewilderment that stems from the fact that we are not yet fully aware of our Divine connection that made this unexpected feedback possible.

But if we persist in pursuing and/or maintaining a firm realization of our Inner Divine connection, then when we do recognize some incredible syncs as we go about our daily lives, they will not be so mysterious to us.  We will instead recognize that we have done something correct on God’s behalf and be joyous that our work has been approved.

Living your life with an awareness of your Spiritual connection to Divinity always results in wonderful syncs popping up here and there.

Taking this a step further, spiritual masters do not bother to look for syncs, but rather they engage in God’s work in such a way that the manifestation of the work itself becomes the sync.  And if they notice any syncs?  Well, that is just normal!  For example, say a Master decided that he will create a spiritual commune or ashram or retreat (what’s in a name?).  Then when the commune sprouted up and students and seekers just showed up as if ‘by magic’ (exactly what is happening), then the Master will not look around at all the folks who showed up and wonder “what does this sync mean?” or “what is God trying to tell me here?”.  The master will already know the answers to those questions, and would not bother to even ask them.

The simply fact is that the manifestation of the commune itself is the sync.  In other words, the Master has simply realized that the initially perplexing phenomenon (synchronicity) is just the natural action of the Universe reflecting back to him whatever he was thinking, feeling, etc.  And so, he took the next step in the spiritual journey and began using this discovery of a Universal Law to help humanity, and built a spiritual community.  We should all aspire to this.

Call it what you may, Synchronicity or Coincidence, but do not underestimate this seemingly curious and innocuous phenomenon, for when you become aware of it, you will recognize it as the natural functioning of a Universal Law.

So if & when you see your next sync,…Pay attention!  God is talking back to you!


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