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T. Henry Moray’s Radiant energy device was an electronic device that was tuned into Zero Point Energy.  It was first charged with energy and then fine tuned (much like an old radio) until the device was receiving energy on its own.  Greatly simplified, the process involved tuning the device into a certain frequency and then stepping-down the overwhelming energy being received into something useful that could operate lights or appliances.

This electronic device is analogous to a correctly programmed mind, capable of tuning in to the Cosmic forces of Divine Will, and then allowing these forces to step down thru the brain, spine and nervous system until the energy is useful on the physical plane.

Moray described the process of the functioning of his device as a matter of “randomness synchronized to randomness”.

In magic circles, the ideal magician is one who can tune into the random Divine force called Love, and channel this Cosmic Love down thru a properly programmed nervous system where this energy is routed and rerouted according to the nervous system programming, until eventually the intention inherent in this Love-energy finds its proper expression in some form of action thru the human being.

When we are tuned into the Divine Will and possess a properly programmed mind-body system, then the Love of God will never have any problem finding the correct pathway through us as it winds its way through the maze of our programmed nervous system, eventually finding the precise channel through which it can express itself.  This is Divine Action manifested.

The Will of God only does through us whatever we allow it to do, as per our Free Will choices and/or current programming.

The sum total experience of these choices and programming is what we call life.

BTW, the device mentioned above was a real invention, but was smashed (literally) by the Dark forces running amuck on earth.  Pity,…for it would have provided free electrical power to the whole world.

The reader is advised to research the history of the man and his device, if one is foolish enough to think that the author just ‘made up’ a story to prove a point.


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