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Ever fill up a bottle with water, then quickly spin the water inside into a swirl and hold the bottle upside down to watch the vortex that forms as the water pours out?  We have all seen such a thing at one time or another, it usually being a source of fascination when we are children.  Then usually some school teacher replicates it for us years later and tests us to see if we understand academia’s technical explanation of a phenomenon we understood quite well when we were kids!

The action of a swirling vortex in a bottle reflects the proper mode of interaction that should be taken by all human beings when dealing with each other, no matter if that level of interaction is between two individuals or two entire nations.

The vortex is nature’s perfect representation of beneficial interactions between two entities.  In the case of the water-filled bottle turned upside down, the water must escape because it is heavier than air and desires to be below the air that is trying to rush into the bottle.  Essentially there is a balancing act taking place since the water does not belong suspended in air.

The only efficient way for this balancing to occur in accordance with natural law is with the use of the vortex.  When a vortex is formed as the exchange of air and water is taking place, each fluid (air is technically a fluid because it flows) is allowed its space to move without hampering the other in its respective movement.  In an ideal container (bottle, in this case), the water will swirl round and cling to the sides of the container while the air simply moves in thru a hole in the middle of that swirling motion—a vortex.  Each is allowed to do what it must do according to the laws of nature, but without hampering the other’s movements and actions.  Such is the efficiency of a vortex.  The necessary movements and subsequent interactions between the two fluids occur without the usual stop-and-flow gurgling that would take place otherwise, which strictly speaking is an unpleasant activity for any entity, not to mention is a waste of time in light of the possibility of using the elegant and efficient vortex.

The very manifestation of the pleasing shape of the vortex should tell anyone with half a brain that this is a Divine pattern of movement that we should all aspire towards, especially as it pertains to the way we interact with each other on a daily basis.  If only human interactions could always take place in this fashion!  Life would be so much more pleasant than the average person can possibly imagine.

Let each country, each religion, & each person move as the Divine Spirit inspires them.  If all did this, then there would be no need for any law that would guide, restrict or buffer our interactions with each other, since following the Divine Spirit’s inspirations and subsequent actions would guarantee that all of our interactions would reflect the vortex, in that we each are doing what we must, moving as we will, all the while allowing the space for the other to do the same.  Governments and endless legislation serve only to cause an unpleasant and wholly unnecessary ‘gurgling’ that neither party desires.

The vortex swirling shape in the bottle is a natural manifestation of a Divine Pattern that allows two fluids to do what they fluids do best–flow.  All else is restriction and release.  A vortex need not be deemed miraculous, but it seems miraculous only to those who do no follow the Will of the Divine.  A vortex is just natural.

And Divinity is naturally that which is only natural.

Any questions?  Then grab a bottle and do what comes naturally to children.  That’s not too difficult…is it?

Curiously, in the ancient Science of Yoga, we learn that there are 7 Chakras on the human body which act as interface points between what is seen to be the Internal and the External worlds, between the Inner Divinity and its External Manifestation.  And they function best when they are unclogged, thereby allowing a free flow of Divine Energy back and forth at the points.  And the word ‘chakra’ itself?  Can you guess what it means?  It means a wheel, or a spinning wheel…

…a vortex.


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