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Every physical thing that goes into the human body eventually comes out of it—nothing is retained.  The Physical Body is a Divine thing.  It needs no other physical components other than that which already composes it.  It is complete in and of itself.

Scientific studies have been conducted some years ago which demonstrated the proof of what is written above.  The findings showed that the same amount of food that goes into a human body is also the same amount of waste that comes out of it.  No amount of food is retained—nothing at all.

So the question arises.  What is it that sustains the human body if not the food we eat?  The answer is simple.  Our bodies are sustained by the life-energy present in food.

The human gastrointestinal tract is just a tube, with an opening and an ending.

Ideally, the GI tract performs two functions.

The first function is of the GI tract is to extract the life-energy that is introduced to the body’s digestive system by way of the mouth, which includes all food, juices, teas, water, and other substances which are swallowed.  This energy is then distributed via the blood to the various parts of the body that need these energies.

The second function of the GI tract is to not only eliminate the dead, used up, energy-less substances we have eaten, but also to eliminate via the colon any and all bad energies the body had previously absorbed and stored, namely those energies that caused disease in the first place.

When the GI tract is respected and treated well by maintaining a proper diet (healthy food full of life-energy, moderate eating and drinking, etc.), then this mode of action on our part helps contribute towards the result of abundant and robust health manifested throughout the entire body.

Abuse the GI tract in any way whatsoever, and the result is eventual disease.

For those who cannot ‘believe’ that the human body doesn’t actually need the physical food but rather the life-energy contained therein, I point to those few individuals throughout history that have lived life without eating any food at all.  These people themselves admit that they were all Divinely ordained by God to live without food in order to demonstrate the truth of the assertions in the above paragraphs—that it is not the physical food that sustains us; it is the life-energy contained therein.

Just two of these individuals (both women) are the Catholic stigmatic Therese Neumann and the Indian saint Giri Bala.  Both lived without food.  I leave it to the reader to research it for themselves.  There are so many more examples, but if only one person can do it, then it cannot be dismissed by egg-headed scientists and skeptics.

Suffice it to say that both women knew without a doubt that the human being actually lives by the Light of God, Prana, Life Force, etc.,…what is in a name really?

For those who still eat food, just remember that what goes in, goes out.  If you feed the human machine real food (that which grows out of the earth) then you are using your digestive tract to extract the energy therein, and you will manifest health.  If you feed the human machine fake ‘food’ (95% of what is in a typical supermarket in the Western Industrialized Nations) then you are eating energy-less junk—don’t call it food, because it isn’t.  And you deserve the disease ridden life you will receive…and a short life it will be.

Only real food produces health.  Fake look-alikes produce death.

There is no debating this.



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