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Since ancient times, there has persisted a tradition that the first born son is somehow of greater importance than all of the other sons of the same parents.

Well someone has to say it and I guess it will be me.

This ancient tradition is bullshit.

Well, perhaps that is too harsh, but it is true nonetheless.

The problem stems from the fact that this old tradition is a misunderstanding of a scientific fact that was known in ancient times, was subsequently forgotten and thoroughly degraded into a myth thru eons of time, and has resurfaced in the scientific laboratories only in the last 10 years.

What was discovered is this.  A female only has a certain amount of testosterone to give to her male offspring.  The first son receives the most generous portion of this male hormone.  The amount of testosterone the mother gives to the next son is significantly reduced.  And the next son receives even less.  And so on and so on it goes.  Every succeeding son gets less male hormone from his mother.

The result is thus.  Generally speaking, the first son is naturally the most active and outgoing of any male offspring.  In ancient times, this vigor was needed to protect the family or the village or nation, etc.  In other words, the first son was usually the warrior-soldier of the family.  Or else he was expected to carry on his father’s line of work.  Why?  Because he was given the most vitality and aggressiveness needed to maintain the family line.

The succeeding sons got practically nothing by comparison.  Why?  Not enough male hormone.  Imagine a son with so little testosterone that his very body is small and weak.  What kind of soldier would that make?  Not a very good one.  He might even be more inclined to pacifism.  In a violent world, such a notion was unthinkable.

In fact, if the succeeding son (or sons) didn’t get enough testosterone, he might even be homosexual.  How could a gay man be expected to continue the family line if he wasn’t attracted to women?  This last bit is not nonsense.  It was revealed by a scientific study that sought out to explain how and why straight couples sometimes produce gay men.  The scientific data collected during the study demonstrated overwhelmingly that succeeding sons are more prone to be gay with each generation.  The study showed that each new son was over 30% likely to be homosexual than the next older son.

It doesn’t take much thought to see how such scientific facts can degrade over time to the point that families who didn’t understand science would begin to place value on the first born son and devote less attention to the younger boys that followed.  This could easily turn into a tradition among simple-minded people.

And that is precisely what happened.

And it is still happening to this day.

I see no point in explaining all of this further.  It should be obvious to anyone who can think.

The above facts should not be interpreted as good or bad.  These are just the facts proven by science.

Take it or leave it.


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