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7-7-14 Iccha Mrutyu: The last two words ever sent out into the universe by a true modern day yogi. Iccha mrityu in itself has much meaning and depth (look it up and see for yourself – after all, Cajun Yogi would say, “Question everything.”), and we can’t help but note the numerological significance of the day. Our Cajun Yogi did everything with a purpose and a meaning and divine guidance right down to the most minute detail and right down to the very last moment on this plane. Where he has transcended to beyond the stars and beyond space and time, he will have a seat amongst creation itself and we can all take comfort in knowing that someone of such pure spirit and pure heart has a hand in the future of this universe. His hugs, his laugh, his embrace, his writings, his music, the love that filled the room when he was around are all things we will all remember of the Cajun Yogi.

The man behind the articles you see here is a great man, a profound teacher, and his legacy will live on. For those who were fortunate to know him in a physical form, we are truly saddened, yet comforted, knowing that his transcendence must have brought him the great peace he has sought all of his life yet always eluded him. It is a shame that the love and comfort he gave to others, he could not find within himself. We can only hope that he left this plane knowing just how much he was loved, and just how much of an influence he has made on this world – just by being the light that he is; the light he will always continue to be. I can see us sitting around years from now telling stories to our grandchildren of this great yogi who knew truly the secrets to the universe. You could see them in his eyes. He knew how to be a true friend, and a beacon of light in this often dark world. Others have said he could cure your depression with just one hug.

Yes. We will share many stories of his crazy laugh, his free spirit, and the lessons and philosophies he thought we were ready to receive, and yet his knowledge far exceeded what he thought we were ready for… Never judgmental, never unkind, never a harmful word to say about anyone or anything, though sometimes his writings were brash, and harsh – such is the truth of this world that we live. “You get heated, offended, enraged? GOOD! That means you’re paying attention. Now recognize the reasons behind that and go from there,” is something he would also say.

He had more unconditional love in his pinky than we may find in a lifetime… This is what the Cajun Yogi was about and yet he’d never boast of any of it… May peace be with you dear friend, and may we all strive to be more pure and loving in our lives until perhaps we ourselves are thrust upon the doorsteps of our own iccha mrityu.

Quoting one of your favorites, Bill Hicks, “it’s just a ride.” Your ride at this amusement park reached its end. Time to travel on to the next … We will miss your sweet embrace, your kind face, your truth, your love. Much speed and ease in your transcendence. Til we meet again Cajun Yogi … So so so much love Namaste’


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