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Archive for July, 2009


Thursday, July 30th, 2009

It is said that the eyes are the window to the soul.  I agree.  They really are like gaping holes cut into a wall.

What most people never consider is that the eyes are not just a window to the soul, but are in fact a window to the same soul, the universal soul.  Think about that for a while and you may realize why it is true that what we do to others we do to ourselves because all peoples are just like colorful stained glass windows into a vast Universal Soul that they share with you because it is you.  So to condemn anyone for what they do is to condemn your own self, to condemn a part of yourself that is just another guise that you yourself are wearing in another physical place and time.

You are just you looking at yourself.  I suppose when one tires of that viewpoint, they drop it and take up another one, unless one has learned these truths above (and much more written elsewhere), then they are free to stop being forced to look thru another peephole called a human body.  They need not look anymore, for they know the truths hidden behind the endless and changing lightshow around them.  Why look anymore?  When death and/or final enlightenment finally comes, it is welcomed.

Love all, serve all.  Trust in yourself, trust in Love—that’s all you need.  Believe in your dharma, your karma-duty work and do it before you die.  Love all people by serving them.



Thursday, July 30th, 2009

Sex is a way to perform Kriya Yoga.  It is a way to pass energy up and down the spine.  This is possible because of an analogous connection to the physical body.

Both a man’s penis and a woman’s vagina are micro-representations of the nervous system, beginning with the brain extending down to the end of the spine, where the genitals are physically located.  Is it not curious that at the end of the spine we have a smaller representation of the nervous system?

Take the penis for instance.  The two blood filled corpus cavernosa (sp.?) represent the two channels Ida and Pingala on either side of the spine.  At the top we find the Glans Penis, which if dissected down the middle would look like the two lobes of the human brain.

Where the Glans Penis internally meets the Corpus Cavernova we find the junction in the brain that is called by the ancients the Cave of Brahma, where the two channels Ida and Pingala meet in the brain.  We have the Pituitary seated on top of the two channels and the Pineal seated beneath the lobes of the brain.  These two meet in the deep inside the skull, anciently called the Cave of Brahma.

Further, the location of the 3rd Eye is between the eyebrows, which on the penis is located at the junction of the two halves of the Crown, on the underside of the Glans Penis, that place that looks like the upper cleft lip of a cat.  Realizing its analogous connection to the 3rd Eye, it is then little wonder that is a super sensitive spot on the penis.

At the top of the human head (where the hair spirals out from a center) we find a spot the yogis named Bindu.  At the top of the Glans Penis we find a oval slit made from a Vesica Pisces (from Sacred Geometry).  The yogis tell us that at the top of the head we have a vortex of energy (a chakra) called the 1000 Petaled Lotus, where the spirit of God enters as ideas, imagination etc.  And at the top of the Glans Penis we find there is a physical hole representing that same vortex of energy at the top of the head.  When you consider these two facts together, we can use analogy to arrive at an interpretation something like this—“Whatsoever enters a man’s mind flows out of his penis” and similar statements.

And we find a further connection, namely that there are hundreds of millions of sperm in a man’s semen that flows from his body and out his penis.  This analogous to the vast ability of the mind and/or the imagination, manifesting thru the enormously complex nerve bundle called the brain, to choose from hundreds of millions of possibilities and ideas that regularly appear to us on a daily basis.  By the simple action of choice, one creates the world in which one lives, through the manifestation of one’s “children”, be they produced thru sex or by the daily karma work in which we immerse ourselves from day to day (one’s work is one’s offspring).  The quality and characteristics of these offspring reflect exactly what one was thinking at the time of conception.

For this reason a man’s thoughts during sex should be focused on some concept or idea of God.  That way, if children are produced by this, then they would be a reflection of that thought.  If the thoughts are intensely focused on the loftiest notions, the children would be like Divine Beings.  The ancient pagans of Europe knew this and practiced this kind of sexual union with intention usually on the high holy days of Nature, such as the Spring Equinox.  Through their intentions, they were aiming to manifest a Divine Being in 3d reality.  For those interested in producing children, this is a wisest way to do so.

All other sexual activity should be for the love of the mate, to raise each other’s level of joy, or to simply celebrate love itself.



Thursday, July 30th, 2009

Something occurred to me one night after the full moon, walking under its pale reflected light shining thru thin hazy clouds.  I realized the reason ancient peoples, especially the pagans and witches of old Europe practiced their rituals like clockwork every year.  They were aiming to reconnect to the Source, to remember that they are more than just physical bodies, that they are spirits inhabiting souls inhabiting bodies.  They practiced their rituals to maintain sanity in their souls while still here in this crazy, messed up 3d reality we call the world.  In their rituals they used chants, dances, drama, and various intoxicating, psychoactive plants like cannabis and/or psychedelic mushrooms (or whatever was available in the geographic region), all in an effort to make contact with Divinity.

Thanks to the forceful conversion from the Christian church, the overwhelming majority of people in Europe (or anyone of European descent) have totally forgotten their ancient pagan roots.  They have substituted those successful rituals of old which answered their souls’ spiritual needs, and exchanged them for dead rituals conducted by clueless, soul-dead middlemen clad in fancy robes who parrot nebulous nonsense from a nearly indecipherable symbolic book while standing on a raised platform once a week.

The result is a population of equally soul-dead zombies who are surviving (don’t dare call it living) day after day in a joyless, robotic, empty state of “existence” they mistakenly call life, all the while thinking they possess the truth of themselves when the fact is that all their lives they have never even been exposed to It due to the fact that the stale weekly ritual they watch every week has never provided and never will provide that needed inner connection, much less spark the soul’s remembrance.

These Goddamned organized western religions have simply got to go…



Thursday, July 30th, 2009

There is no way for us to truly unite while still encased in physical bodies.  Trying to do so just leads to the couple dividing their genetic material into a new physical body which is still cursed (so to speak) with the affliction of manifesting an apparently mono-polar body.  When we see others of the opposite sex, we become immediately aware that we are not like that person.  The perception of something separate from ourselves enters the mind.  We can spend a lifetime trying to unite physically with that opposite sex but never succeed, only producing more separate entities walking around the planet.

We should touch each other gently.  This is our natural state, to be calm, kind and caring.  All communication (including touching) should be carried out with permission of the other party(s) involved.  In the practice of Tantra, the divine couple does exactly this, moving slowly and gracefully.  They know that they cannot truly connect on this physical level, so they simply enjoy touching each other as intimately as possible, as gently as possible, perhaps not even moving at all during the sex act, rather simply moving each other’s energy, and thrilling every nerve in their bodies even for hours if desired, instead of just experiencing some locally intense sensation for a few brief moments.

But when the two involved touch violently, want to hurry up, treat each other as mere “things” to help them “get off” even for just a few seconds, then their egos are in control.  They believe they are separate and treat each other as such, as though it will have no repercussion on their own selves, their reality.  If it is done without the permission of both, then it can be construed as more than a physical rape, that being open war upon the soul of the other, and by Divine law, upon one’s own self.

Ever notice that when nations go to war because of the two leaders’ disdain for each other, the leaders both behave like the egotistic couple engaging in a form of needful and selfish sex?  The leaders “get off” by hurting each other with various attacks, all the while never realizing that they are really hurting themselves.  And the leaders selfishly advertise their hate for the opposing leader to their respective nations, hypnotizing and/or threatening the country’s youth into joining up with him for a big fight with the enemy, offering a chance for alleged honor and glory on a battlefield where the ignorant youth stupidly follow their leaders’ urgings to kill complete strangers who, oddly enough are fellow young people who come from the same social and financial situation as the youth of the opposing nation, all of whom signed away their willpower to a madman who will not even fight beside them on the battlefield.

I don’t feel that the direction the world is headed (especially industrialized nations) is what God wants for us, or what any of us would truly want for ourselves if we knew the whole Truth, and recognized all the options that lay before us other than being selfish, hateful, hurtful, etc.  I think that if all people knew the rules of how life works, knew the Truth of how things operate in the universe, and were aware of the infinite choices that lay before them instead of the pathetic, limited few we are told are available by our parents, schools, politicians and society, that the majority of world’s population would choose to be absolutely anything other than a bunch of egotistical jackasses.

I really do feel that it is not only God’s Will, but our True Collective Will as well (any difference?) that wants us all to communicate with each other kindly, and touch each other gently.  I intuit that only in this gentle mode of behavior, this selfless style of compassionate personal conduct will we not only realize our similarities and inner connectedness, but also begin to create a real Utopia, a Heaven on Earth where tolerance is the norm, all people (and all things) are appreciated for what they are, and love flows freely to all, like rain falling from the sky.



Thursday, July 30th, 2009

Some religious sects such as the Sufi mystics practice rituals of self mutilation, involving cutting the body, piercing the flesh with skewers and so on, all without pain and little or no bleeding. Buy why practice such rituals?

One reason is devotion, or rather to prove by experience an absolute devotion to God that is so strong that all that the ritualist is aware of is God and nothing but God.  During such rituals, the mind is so filled with the reality of God that all things melt away into that idea.  Pain and pleasure become one thing—a sensation, nothing more.  And that sensation can also be enjoyed or ignored, as chosen.  Skin punctured with a long metal rod becomes as nothing, as it is just a sensation like any other, and no special significance need be attached to it.  The ritualist is aware of God and nothing but God.  All sensations can then just be categorized as a feeble distraction that is easily cast away in favor of the ritualist’s idea of God, drowning in Oneness with this Idea.  The Sufi’s invulnerability to pain is the end result of this devotion to God, an effect we can witness from the outside.

In Yoga meditation, the same process occurs.  The mind of the yogi, concentrated and devoted to the idea of God, becomes so full of this idea of God that all things melt away into that idea.  Sensations are easily perceived, registered as nothing more than a sensation, and since there is no need to attach a label to that sensation (such as pleasurable or hurtful), then all sensations are easily ignored if chosen, whereas both kinds of sensations are now perceived as one thing.  Ritual self mutilation then becomes simple to perform with no adverse effects, since the yogi is so totally concentrated on the idea of God that anything perceived just disappears into that idea, passing thru the nervous system and the brain as just an electrical pulse that need not be allowed any attention or significance.  So the yogi sits there unmoving, seemingly (and truly) undisturbed by anything going on around him.  He could be pierced with a skewer…and appear unfazed by it.  The state of consciousness of the Yogi and the Sufi are in fact identical.  One devotee merely sits quietly while the other engages in self-mutilation.

Either method is not only a valid method of body control, but also a ritual that promises Union with God.  The ability of either practitioner to endure the trauma of mutilation is not a goal either has in mind, but is rather a sort of test to pass (if one chooses to undergo it), which proves Union has taken place, a tangible manifestation of God’s presence.  Such demonstrations have lasting effects on those fortunate enough to see it.

The ability to endure any sensation, either painful or pleasurable, is a mark of one who has successfully attained Union with God.

When all of this is considered, it then becomes little wonder that Spiritual Masters are able to remain calm under any of life’s various circumstances which would upset ordinary people unaware of their connection to God.



Thursday, July 30th, 2009

Whosoever dictates, creates or controls the culture of a people controls the people themselves.  But the controller’s grasp is not total.  He/she merely creates a set of programs that dictate what kind of behavior he/she wants to see, and broadcasts them to the public so that this behavior begins to run within the minds of the masses.  And with repeated exposure to the same set of cultural programming, predictability sets in.

The only unknown, or “X” factor which can throw off this certainty is the fact that we all have Free Will, or Choice.  When we exercise that, we upset an otherwise predictable equation by severing the attempted programming coming at us from the outside.  This allows us an opportunity to exercise personal Will and become the controllers of our own programming, which then dictates our individual destinies.  In a manner of speaking, one then creates and controls his own culture.  He produces a fruit different from that of the masses.  That person is an artist who creates what has not been created before, is a truly original human being, just being his/her own natural self.

One of the strangest facts about culture is that those who control it always accuse others who oppose them of the strangest things, in an effort to discredit the fringe culture which the culture’s controllers fear or don’t understand.  Ever notice that when someone belongs to a fringe group of people who have a widely varying set of programs, beliefs, lifestyles, etc., then that person is usually accused by the culturally programmed masses as being “some kind of cultist”?  The stigma of such a charge always carries with it disdain.  Such people are usually shunned in some way or another.  The witch-craze of European history is an excellent and disturbing example.

And yet, the whole time those who are most controlled by a culture not of their own programming are accusing the consciously self-programmed free will artists of “belonging to a cult” they never see that they themselves also belong to a cult.  What irony!  But what can you expect of brain-dead cultists?  Intelligence?

All culture is the result of programming.  And programming dictates culture.  So let it be so that in your own life, you yourself program for free will, for freedom of choice, and exercise such free will of choice at all times, including the option to not have to choose either.


Christ Consciousness or the Krishna Consciousness

Thursday, July 30th, 2009

The missing ingredient to decoding the Universe, for answering questions about life such as our reason for existence, the meaning of life, etc., is not missing as most unenlightened people would assert.  This magic Key is present right now.

This “missing” thing is a Key to understanding the universe, life and all that goes on within it is called by different names but the most common are the Christ Consciousness or the Krishna Consciousness.  This level of consciousness is little more than a frame of mind, a clear perspective, a clear channel for the soul to decode and discover the hidden matrix or secret program that governs how the game of life is played.  This all-powerful perspective, earned thru a proper spiritual education accompanied by a corresponding spiritual practice, is the Christ/Krishna Consciousness.  It is the Key to operating at a level beyond that of basic Monkey-Brain consciousness.

Once acquired, one’s whole life steadily becomes a veritable manifestation of the fact that one has learned and mastered the program that “secretly” operates behind the veil of the world during this experiential dream we call life.  “Secretly” is in quotes because it is not really secret if it can be found, acquired, used by any being.  And the word ‘secret’ harkens back to mind the words from the Bible, namely that when Christ comes back…all secret things would be revealed.  Sure enough with the use (can one truly say…possession or ownership?) of this mode of Consciousness, we are able to both know and understand absolutely anything that attracts our attention.  We can know all about something simply by focusing on it intently.  And doesn’t that mean that all secret things about which we wish to learn are then revealed?  Therein lies the meaning of the old Bible passage.

With this Consciousness, we can become observers of life and the world, just like good scientists performing an experiment, and we interfere as little as possible if at all (to help the experiment keep going smoothly, apparently).  It is a delicate thing for a master of the Program to interfere with the experiment because it is so easy to become identified, attached or otherwise overly concerned with the work we have done within the experiment.  This much self-important involvement with one’s work could and eventually would lead to a furthering of the experience of the experiment operating according to the commands we inserted into the program.  Such is the danger of attaching too much importance to experimental work that was done.  The science of Yoga calls this non-attachment, being ‘in the world’ but not ‘of the world’.  Christ once spoke of the world as being a bridge and that one should never build on a bridge because eventually the bridge will fail and all of one’s work will be for nothing.

So mostly, masters just watch and observe, working quietly on what they feel needs to be done while remaining unattached to any self-important thoughts and feelings concerning their work.  Although they offer direct knowledge of the fact that the world is a chimera, an illusion, and that there is little more than a grand experiment going on, very few ordinary monkey-brained humans apparently want to know such a thing.  Such knowledge leads to Death itself.  Death of the Ego.  Absolute Realization of this program, this consciousness, manifests in a death experience or even physical death itself.  Such knowledge leads to Death’s Door, one that turns out to be hidden in plain sight.

And how many people are willing to voluntarily experience death to learn the truth?


Thursday, July 30th, 2009

If we all treated each other every minute and hour of every day with the same spontaneous kindness that one extends to someone who is obviously near death…just imagine how wonderful a place it would be for all in which to live.  Life itself would be nothing but a manifestation of love itself.



Thursday, July 30th, 2009

When you submit to God, you dominate the world.  If you would control your world around you, or your life (and your Fate along with it), then submit to the Inner Voice of Intuition that comes from the Soul which is a middle man that goes between the Universal Spirit and the Physical Body (which is one and the same as the world that appears to surround it).

Practicing Hatha Yoga (those physical postures that look like “tying yourself into a knot”) is a way to submit to God and control your Fate.  This miraculous power comes about from the training-acquired ability to perform any posture at any level of difficulty perfectly while remaining totally calm, relaxed and breathing evenly and deeply and slowly.  The hidden idea here is that the postures represent all of the challenges, trials and tribulations we may experience in life.  If you can remain calm through a posture that corresponds to some aspect of life, then if it is your fate to experience that aspect of life before you die, you will know that you can pass thru it, transcend it, perhaps even eliminate the very need to experience it—hence the reason some claim that Hatha Yoga grants powers to the yogi.  They are right of course, though the power manifests from a passive kind of application, for to actively such power for selfish gain is hardly becoming of a yogi.

To sum up, if you submit to the challenge/pain/suffering of yoga postures, then you govern your own life, control your fate and therefore may even eliminate the need to experience said challenge/pain/suffering that otherwise occur during the course of one’s life, or at least one would mitigate his/her perceptions of that experience in some way, perhaps diminishing the sting of the event to more manageable levels.


Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Life itself is an opposition of sorts, an opposition of the Soul to Spirit, God.  The soul incarnates in a body on the 3d physical plane, finds nothing but opposition and suffering in life and feels abandoned by God.  The truth is that the Soul never really is in opposition to God, it is just tricked into foolishly believing in such a notion.

It is like God itself wants to know what it is like to oppose itself (I am divided for Love’s sake—Liber Al) so it created us all as a giant Singular Soul, divided that into myriad holograms and/or fractals (each part being a both a copy of the original Soul as well as containing all of the information/knowledge/intelligence/wisdom of the original Soul within itself) and then scattered all of us individual souls across the purely imaginary universal body of God…and then a 3d physical representation of that ideation was manifested—a physical body within a physical universe.  All this was done so God could experience Itself.  It divided for the sake of feeling the force of attraction called Love, which is meant to bring back to One all the little souls across the universe, returning eventually to the original big Soul from which it originally sprang.

Imagine the Soul of the whole universe compresses itself into a physical body, just to have a point of perspective, a frame of reference, enduring the horrible pain and suffering of a sense of separation (which is just false perception).  The whole process can be likened to a gigantic Inhalation and then a huge relief that comes with the Exhalation, the letting go of the physical body, letting go of the separation of life, returning back into the Absolute Joy of the original Soul, returning to God.

After realizing that the separation was purely an illusion (which is Enlightenment), then the only reason any Enlightened Soul would return to this temporary separation again (via reincarnation) is to help others to realize the same Truth, so they can end their own illusion and stop suffering as well.  This desire to assist others arises from the Compassion/Love one feels upon realizing that the separation was a Grand Illusion, that we are all One, which naturally causes the realized person to feel tremendous pain knowing that the whole world is suffering needlessly.  This pain naturally spurs one into action directed towards liberating others from the pain of the Illusion that overwhelms us all.
