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Archive for July, 2009


Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

When you honestly express yourself all the time, you really don’t need “drugs” to loosen inhibitions.  You are already free to behave as you choose.  When you realize that you don’t need the beer, it is ok to slam the brew.  When you realize that you don’t need the pills, it is ok to pop the bean.  When you realize that you don’t need to toke, it is ok to smoke.

I think the problem with so-called addictions may be simply that the addict is unaware that they don’t need what they are consuming.

Once this is truly realized (far beyond mere ‘knowing’), then nothing external can hold sway or control anymore, and all external things can be enjoyed for what it is—a gift from Divinity.



Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

“If you ain’t first, you last!”  So says a racecar driver character from a recent Hollywood film.  The meaning in the context of the film is easily deciphered…if you don’t cross the finish line first, you may as well be in last place.

But then the Polar Opposite meaning came to me in a flash—If you don’t occupy yourself with competing against others, chasing after money, acquiring things, or other myriad selfish activities that would make you First (in the eyes of the world),…then you last, in that you survive a lot longer, and going further perhaps even meaning that your very Soul itself consciously survives beyond Death, which is in fact, just one much touted effect of Enlightenment.

“If you ain’t first, you last!”  Sounds like good advice to me…from a certain perspective.

Sounds like slang for “Be humble” or “Let it be” or “Don’t worry, be happy” or “Be still, and know that I am God” and so on and so on in that spiritual vein.

“If you ain’t first, you last!”………and to that, I say “Goddamned right!!


Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Magic powers help us realize one way or another on some level or another, that the 3 Dimensional experience we call life is not as real as we think, nor is the 3D Universe.  Even before reaching enlightenment the spiritual student can still realize this in some way.  I wonder if the student who focuses more on enlightenment rather than acquiring magic powers, isn’t in some way moving faster towards the Goal than the wannabe-wizard obsessed with powers?  It seems to me that such a wizard is either blind to the Truth, or else knows the Truth and simply denies it while working his spells.  I think that either the unconscious or consciously denied failure to realize the Truth is the Folly of All, and especially those who use their powers for selfish aims.  It was Hermes Trismegistus who wrote that “Unacquaintance with truth is the greatest sin.

Those who are aware of the Truth and still consciously choose to be here (rather than the wizard who denies) in the 3d plane are what we call Enlightened, because they no longer need to be here and would rather not continue doing so, but they remain here anyway out of Love, out of Compassion for those who either don’t have the Truth.  It is a thankless job and so the Master must accept it as such with humility.  He serves God by serving others with his acquired Divine and sublime powers of Truth as his tool, weapon, shield, armor and most valuable possession as he fights to bring the Truth that will bring Freedom and Light to a Darkened world.



Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

People who stay awake during the very late hours of night are not freaks of nature.  They are simply manifesting an ideal, in that they are not afraid to shine their own light even into the inky black of the nighttime hours.  These people are usually very creative and imaginative, great thinkers and philosophers, a group of folks who are just more tuned into the mind, the truth of themselves and the world around them.  They shine their light into the collective unconsciousness of the world while safely ensconced in the secrecy exclusive to the night.  Their ideas (if acted upon) change the world.

These night owls are a lot like yogis who remain not awake at night but rather stay consciously aware during the night hours, usually in deep meditation (resembling sleep) or else being engaged in some secret work they are doing for the world.  They are usually lost in concentration upon some Divine thing or other or even nothing at all, whatever it so happens to be at that moment.  Their only thought is serving others thru their work.

I think that people who stay awake at night, doing their best work at night are the ones who are truly Spiritually Awake (at varying levels of awareness) and are quite literally the ones on this earth who are the bravest, the most open minded, the ones who most desire to end suffering and bring about harmony and freedom to others in need.

I feel that ‘day people’ are (generally) spiritually asleep because they are usually stuck doing some mindless, repetitive job that doesn’t inspire them creatively or imaginatively. The live their lives at the behest of daylight masters, exhibiting no will of their own, existing as zombies, seemingly alive but in truth…dead.

And yet the daylight zombies think the night owls are crazy.

Who are the freaks of nature now?


Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Women are the symbolic physical representatives of the Soul stuck in Darkness that need God’s Divine Solar Light, which men can provide.  She feels she is the world and that men are looking at her.  She sees the man’s Light (if he has any) and subsequently feels receptive to his Light so she can fill her Darkness and end her pain.  The ending of her pain is felt as the orgasm of ecstasy, bliss.  She gives Pure Love in return which releases more Light from within the man, Light which comes straight from the Source, thereby both partners become filled with more and more Light, even up to the point that they become enlightened.

This process can be performed on the physical (tantra partner), astral (imaginatively) and/or mental levels (allowing the Higher Self to speak to you, unencumbered by the old fear-mongering of the now dead and resurrected Ego), bringing Final Liberation.



Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

The process of enlightenment is one of de-programming, eliminating by starvation old useless programs while simultaneously creating new programs to run.

The whole world is filled with people who don’t know anything about the fact that they are little more than a collection of constantly running programs.  And when someone appears in their lives who is not suffering from the same programs as they, what happens?  Usually an attack occurs on the newcomer, as robots do not trust anything new.

The whole world is programmed for selfishness, materialistic, hatred, stagnation.  It is a rare person indeed who is genuinely selfless, un-materialistic, compassionate and free to react to any situation according to a free choice instead of just running an old preset programmed reaction.  Such a person is a self-programmer and a potential de-programmer of robotic humanity, a hacker of sorts that the Matrix-Computer considers dangerous, like a virus.

An enlightened person is one who has used the very fact that we are programmable robots against itself by creating programs that neutralize the actions of the external stimuli that is always attempting to forcefully program us.  He programs himself to not get stuck in one programmed way of behaving—free will, the ability to freely choose how to react to external stimuli.  In the practice of yoga, the yogi is generally concerned with focusing his attention internally, ignoring external stimulus.  He reacts only to what he chooses, even being able to react to absolutely nothing at all if he chooses to do so.

Such action is frowned upon by society in general, as the overwhelming majority of them are not cognizant of the fact that they are robots running someone else’s programs instead of their own.  Hence, all they see is someone behaving in a way that is not parallel to their own programmed ways, and since they have no personally created program that would let them be tolerant of noticing strange behaviors in others…they react viciously against this new manifestation in front of them.  Belittle them.  Berate them.  Beat them.  Kill them.  The same repeating and predictable pattern, the same program that has been running on earth for millennia.  Intolerance.  Anger.  War.  Fear.  It never seems to end.

Certainly there is a better way than this?  How long will the earth human race last behaving in such a way?  Will we even survive, providing future physical channels for us to become enlightened master programmers?  I have no idea.  But at least I am programming myself, and attempting thru my writing to help a few realize their self-programmability with my writing.


Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Perhaps the reason we have fears of being buried alive is related to the possibility that after death occurs, the Soul actually watches the body die, begin decomposing and be buried.

Maybe the ancient Egyptians who were mummified were really acting out a fear of death as much as a fear of having to watch their old bodies deteriorate which would mean that their Souls would have to return back to its Creator, thus killing the Ego.  It has been recently suggested that mummification was a technique employed to trick the Soul as it were, into thinking that the body still existed, and therefore reincarnation was unnecessary.

It seems the fear of Death is just a fear of having to end this otherwise endless merry-go-round (sometimes not-so-merry) called life.  Sometimes I think that the ancient promise of eternal youth is just a fantasy born out of the fear of death and is little more than a slap in the face of the Almighty because we all must return back to the Creator eventually.  Therefore, live life to its fullest.  Be good to yourself and serve the world/universe by following the selfless dreams which will give you the most inspiration and Joy.

You are a Soul, which is a middleman between the pure Spirit world and the Material world.  God’s Will is Joy, for thru the interaction of opposites comes Creation which is Joy.  If you follow your inspirations (which are ideas from the In-Spirit or Spirit INside), you will be receiving from Spirit and giving to the World, which is Creation through the interaction of the opposites occurring in the only place it can, the middle ground, the middleman,  your Soul.

Every time you create you “get off on it” to use a vulgar expression.  Creating is a Joy that makes one Happy.  Therefore Create for the world what Inspiration suggests to you because this will give you Joy.  Do it everyday before you die and nothing will be regretted upon your last breath.

Or instead of doing so much before we die, we can practice deep meditation and introspection and learn thru Spiritual Wisdom to let go of all desires, the occurrence of which will negate you needing to be here any longer which will then result in Enlightenment/Death.

Which one of the above two views is correct?  They both seem to contradict each other.  But they don’t.  Only when we are enlightened and CHOOSE to stay a while in a body in order to help others can both views be perceived with the same eye revealing their truly combined nature.

By this revelation it would seem that ALL of us are already enlightened but don’t realize it (generally speaking).  When one realizes his or her own enlightenment, one loses all fear of death for death is just an end to our experience of the merry-(and not-so-merry)-go-round here in the Physical world.



Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

“The eyes are the window to the soul.”

Here are a few curious facts about the eyes.

The pupil dilates when we are relaxed or sexually aroused.  This action lets in more light, more information into the brain, giving us the ability to more accurately detect truth around us in the visual range of perception.

But the pupil also dilates when we are under the influence of entheogens, plants whose very name means “God is within”.  I find it interesting that when we ingest a plant containing God within, our body reacts the same way as when relaxed or sexually aroused, and our pupils open up to receive more light, more information into the brain, giving us the ability to more accurately detect truth around us in the visual range of perception.

Entheogens, relaxation, sexual arousal.  The experiences of all 3 are linked by the same manifestation within the body, the eye in particular.  All 3 therefore are successful means by which we may discern truth.

What is God telling us here?

Perhaps what is indicated is that any state of mind that is other than being high, relaxed or aroused is detrimental to the detection of the truth, reception of the truth, and realization of the truth.

Given these simple (and hopefully obvious) facts, what is the eventual result of letting some external ‘authority’ force, coerce or otherwise demand anyone spend their entire lives being eternally sober, stressful, and sexually repressed?

The answer is…Damnation of the Soul.

God is waiting for us all only if we approach It in an Altered State, by whatever method that suits the individual.

Better to at least attempt to find God utilizing any and all methods and techniques that the ‘authorities’ deem wrong, illegal, forbidden, etc., than to spend the remainder of one’s life in a state of damnation not of our own choosing.

The choice is yours.

Choose wisely.



Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

One morning I was thinking of an accurate analogy of how Truth flows from Divinity down to a spiritual master and then again down to the students who receive it from him.  The following came to me.

Imagine a large number of wine glasses stacked in the shape of a pyramid.  If arranged correctly, one can pour a large amount of wine into the glass at the very top of the pyramid so that the wine overflows past the rim of the top glass and down into the other glasses directly beneath it, which then also fill up, overflow and fill the glasses at lower levels.  This goes on and on.

Of course, the glass at the top represents the spiritual master who is little more than a combination container/channel of the wine of Divinity which flows freely into him and outwards into whoever desires to receive it from him.  Otherwise the wine will go to waste having no one to receive it.

Recall that Jesus spoke of himself in the gospels as a vine producing fruits.  If no one receives the fruits, then they will simply fall to the ground unused.  But that is no matter to a master for he is always producing fruits as long as he still has life in him.  Further along these lines, when the master physically dies, the one who is most able to let the divine wine flow as freely as the master once did will become the new master at the top of the pyramid.

Of course, not only can a large wine glass hold more wine but the wine can flow much faster into it as well, and therefore there will be a larger volume of wine overflowing down to those beneath.  The glass is representative of the ego.  Spiritual teachings hold that the bigger the ego the student initially possesses, the more that student will be able to serve Divinity once he becomes enlightened.


Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

The world is fine without us human beings being here.  The universe is able to hum along quite well enough without our constant interference.  Our presence here is not in any way required.  We are here out of free will, a choice freely made.

Therefore (and with the previous statement in mind) I find it impossible to understand then,…why in the goddamned hell any of us would want to make a goddamned living hell for ourselves, engaging in literally endless wars and violent conflict, making eternal misery for every last human on earth.

Why on earth is it that we totally go against our very nature to love one another, to literally BE love itself, to give love and receive love constantly, to be in Joy, Ecstasy?…and instead trading that easily acquired Heaven on Earth for the Hell sold to us by our greedy governments and their blind, mindless, bloodthirsty puppets we foolishly call “leaders”?  The only thing they are leading is a bunch of blind, ignorant and stupid sheep.

I wish more people would learn the value of the word “NO”.  Few things are more valuable in our lives than to know when to say NO and follow your own way, your own path, and live your own life of your own free choosing.

If people would just say NO en masse, then all the power we have sold to the governments and their slave masters will return to us, for us to use as directed by our choices—the way God intended us to live.
