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Archive for July, 2009

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

In order to achieve the deepest experience of sexual gratification, love & joy:

Women must be as giving with their hearts as men are giving with their penises.

Men must be as receptive in their hearts as women are receptive with their vaginas.

A man’s soul must be as receptive to God as the woman’s soul is receptive to man’s love.

A woman’s soul must project love outward like the man’s soul that projects love into her.



Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

“All is fair in love and war”.

A famous statement.  But in and of itself it is not entirely accurate.  It would be more so if we include a stipulation so that the statement reads “All is fair in the selfish interactions of love and war.”  No matter how we view it, the universe is an enormous manifestation of One thing, which manifests as the interaction of opposites.  For the purpose of this essay, these interactions can be labeled as Selfish and Selfless.

All is fair in the selfish interactions of love and war because both interactions are concerned with getting something and giving nothing.  When it comes to Selfishness, the Ego doesn’t care one iota about the results of its selfish interactions.  So by all means, anything is fair game.

When the inhabitants of the world both learn and practice the art of Selflessness and its accompanying actions of giving and receiving, then the world stands a chance of becoming a relatively peaceful and certainly much happier place to be.

On the plane of the selfish human interaction called sex, both selfish parties are trying to get something from the other.   Within a selfish sexual relationship where merely “getting off” is the goal, the man is at an advantage here.  Men can have orgasms quite quickly because Nature has simply wired them that way, always ready to pop.  He can get what he wants generally in a matter of minutes, even seconds.  Women are at a distinct disadvantage in selfish sexual relationships because they generally take longer to reach orgasm.  Again the thing to keep in mind here is that both parties are simply using the other to get what they want for themselves.

In typical selfish relationships both parties “keep” each other like possessions to which they are bonded.  The selfish, uneasy contract between them stipulates that the woman is expected to stay physically beautiful since she is selfish and therefore unconcerned with giving the man real love, much less receiving it.  And the man is expected to supply the woman with all kinds of expensive gifts to keep her happy since he is also selfish and therefore unconcerned with giving her real love, much less receiving it.  Nearly everyone reading this can remember either having such a relationship or else can recall a couple who behaved in such a manner.

Notice how neither party is aware of anything other than the physical level?  They both believe that all the actions they have to perform to please the other are physical actions.  Neither ever bothers themselves with anything other than the physical plane, physical actions and physical gifts.  So much for expressing emotions or thoughts.

Sadly most relationships and marriages resemble the above descriptions.  All of this is little more than an uneasy business-type of bond.  And make no mistake that is exactly what marriage is—a bond.

All bonds are sinful (to use a Xtian term) because bonds keep the Soul in bondage.

Marriage is sin of the highest order.

On the physical plane, men dominate with their bodies.  Conversely, women are submissive on the physical plane, surrendering their bodies to men.  His power is the ability to supply her with physical gifts or rather the withholding of these, within the selfish contract called marriage.

But on the more subtle plane of the Soul, it is the woman who dominates and the man who submits.  Her power is one of love and sex, or rather the withholding of love and sex within the selfish contract called marriage.

Round and round it goes, where it stops?  Sadness, frustration, bitterness.  More and more these days such selfish bonds end in divorce.

As it stands, I currently see absolutely no way to have happy relationships as long as one or both parties are still inherently selfish.  It has been practiced in every conceivable way for thousands of years.  Honestly, I have never seen a single selfish relationship become a happy marriage.

If I am missing some ingredient here, some key point that can make a selfish relationship work (other than becoming selfless), then I must confess ignorance for I have no idea what it could possibly be.


Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Contracting the sphincter muscle causes the heart’s blood pressure to temporarily spike.

Kriya yogis and Tantric masters can stop their breath and heart’s pulse through years of practice.  Part of their practice (sadhana) involves meditation techniques that require contractions of the sphincter muscle.  This practice is key to stopping the heart.

I suspect that the reason why some unhealthy people die during sex lies in the fact that the sphincter muscle contracts involuntarily during orgasm, spiking the unhealthy person’s unhealthy heart, causing a heart attack.

And yet the same can be said of Yoga and Tantra masters, namely that at the height of their meditational practice their hearts also stop beating—they die.  The difference here lies in the fact that these masters literally possess the Key to Life and Death (the two Keys of St. Peter), which means they can voluntarily stop the process of life and restart it, coming back to life as though flipping a light switch, illuminating their bodies at will.

The Secret of Life and Death lies in controlling the body, breath and heart with coordinating meditation, ritualized breathing and sphincter contractions.  Through practice, the body is ‘tamed’ by demonstrating to it that you can kill it at any time you choose.

I seem to remember an old spiritual axiom which goes something like this…… “Whosoever controls the breath controls the body, masters life itself, and rules the world.”


Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Babies born in a materially advanced, mechanized and technological location like the ones found in most modern hospitals of the western hemisphere are the most prone to grow up to be very unhappy people what are always distracted by working hard for material things they don’t need whilst simultaneously being fascinated by the ever-changing technological wonders we create.

Conversely, those babies born in a more natural, rural outdoorsy kind of setting (such as in so-called Third World countries) grow up to be very happy people unconcerned with acquiring material goods, who are happy with what their Fate/Destiny and/or Self-Determinism/Choices brings into their lives.  They are not so heavily and overtly seduced by the material world and technology as we are in the West.  Though leading mostly poor and non-materialistic lives (which westerners think is some kind of curse), they tend to lead happier lives.  I have noticed that when westerners travel to the poor regions of some eastern countries, they always return home amazed at how the local peoples smile so much more than western populations, how they “own so little, yet are happy” as though ownership is a prerequisite of happiness.

I do not think that technology is the enemy per se’ but rather that the problem is that we tend to misuse and abuse technology for selfish reasons, personal gain, etc.  We often use technology for any reason other than to genuinely help each other.  I wonder,…if we westerners suddenly had no technology and had to rely on what we (with no knowledge of God within) could rend from Nature with our bare hands…just how long would we all survive?  Would we all then realize in a big hurry that maybe, just maybe (according to various sources)…WE DO NOT BELONG HERE.

Still in that vein, I remember one yogi who stated that in the oldest times of our manifestation here on earth that we peacefully fed ourselves with what we could find from the land, such as honey and fruits.  (If that sounds like a caveman or hunter/gatherer kind of scenario to you, I agree)  My God…if this is true, then it could possibly mean that the cavemen phenomenon was not necessarily brutal or uncivilized (as we are today).  Then again, it would not surprise me to learn that our histories are inaccurate.  None other than Napoleon said, “What is history but a myth we agree on?”  (Keep in mind that this guy waged war on everything and everyone he could think of.)

Sometimes it seems to me that technology provides a way to selfishly cling to life when we no longer belong on the physical plane.  Cavemen didn’t have iron lungs, for example.  Back then, if you couldn’t breathe on your own, it was your time to die.  Good health and only good health gave you a descent guarantee that you would be here for a while, or at least long enough to find your next meal.

In that vein, consider this—good health is generally viewed as a blessing because it prevents the pain and suffering in your physical body.  But good health may also correctly be considered a curse as it may be the major contributing factor to promoting (or cursing) a long life of experiencing the current hell of suffering going on outside of your body, on earth.  And perhaps it is no coincidence (there never is, really) that the word healthy sounds like it could be spelled “hellthy” as in, being healthy keeps you in hell—living in hell on earth.  Is it right or wrong to want good health, or even to not give a damn (as most people don’t)?  Maybe after all is said and done, there really is no right and wrong—there are just choices that bring about results.

Perhaps the best choice is to not play the game of life beyond the limit of one’s ability to tolerate suffering (one’s own or other’s).  This may mean that the best thing to do is to meditate as much as one can and behave as though you are not on the merry go round anymore until God makes it so.  Then when you come back (if you do) it is just to spread the message to others that they don’t have to stay on the damned ride anymore, that there is a way out (1 of the 4 Noble Truths of Buddhism), and teach those who are interested in earning the eternal prize that you already possess.

Don’t live beyond your means.  Be thrifty with you funds.  Eliminate what you don’t need.  And don’t take more that what is needed.  Be reasonable and balanced in all things.

And be happy.


Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Masters, yogis and adepts may be defined in the following way.  They are souls “living in denial”—denial of the illusion portrayed before them as the alleged reality we call life.

It seems only natural to me that it really is Compassion for all of suffering humanity that keeps us coming “back from the dead” (reincarnation) to try again like a madman to be of help to the whole world, or universe even.  To completely Deny the Universe by denying your very sense perceptions of it (control of the senses) is to completely Die to the World, literally sacrificing one’s life to the World, favoring the Peace of Samadhi, or rather a Mahasamadhi (a conscious death, the actual physical death of the Yogi’s body).

Practicing yoga is all about learning to discern and deny false perceptions of life as they come into experience, favoring an all consuming Joy that comes from realizing the whole Matrix Computer is functioning correctly, and the Machinery is in good working order.  So there is little reason to not be happy because you know it is all operating properly, and everything is as it should be, because it is all going according as programmed to do so by all the incarnate souls here in the physical level of experience.

Despite seeming differing appearances, All that we see and feel and experience in life is The Same Thing.  It is all just endlessly changing variations of a One Thing.  And That thing is?  Vibration.  The faster one realizes that All is Vibration, the closer to the Truth will one be.  One’s whole life will be an expression of Truth, a self expression of Truth, every manifestation a projection/reflection of one’s self.

It seems to my perception that all people (all things, really) are expressing themselves Truthfully at all times with every action they undertake and every cause they create.  The thing to keep in mind here in regards to spiritual development is that it is one’s perception itself that changes over time to the point that one finally realizes that one is expressing/projecting/creating the whole universe with every action and cause one generates, and further realizes that it is all the perceptions that caused the problem in the first place.  Paying attention to it all as if it were a real thing that exists outside of yourself is the problem.  It is NOT outside of you, but rather is an outwardly perceived expression of one’s own inner self.

The above paragraph describes the psychological effect that accompanies the state of mind in which you perceive All as One.

By way of example, I have noticed at times in deep meditation that I have perceived the “Universe as One” so clearly that my own body did not seem to exist anymore.  For the duration of the meditation I seemed to have completely forgotten that my body existed and could no longer even detect its presence.


Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Seeing only the parts of the universe as opposed to the whole is a dangerous thing to do unless one already has attained and maintained a universal holistic perspective within oneself.  Seeing only parts threatens us in the sense that it causes us to sacrifice our spiritually inclined universal perspective of seeing the Whole, which is our natural state of Being.  Seeing only parts (as most people do) is unnatural and leads to delusion, unless of course one already possesses the Universal perspective that is acquired upon Enlightenment.  And how many people already have the benefit of such a Universal perspective?  At this point in history, not many.

When we look at the parts instead of the whole, the parts make us pay attention (a tension).  This ‘tension’ arises from a divided perspective called Polarity, which is separation from the Whole, the Universal, and this causes a tension in the Soul, for in the natural holistic (whole-istic) state of Being, there is nothing to be tense about.  Think about it.  What could cause more tension and stress to the Soul that was at one with the Universe than to suddenly sacrifice its natural state of Oneness than to sacrifice this in exchange of Polarity, tension, and the resulting unnatural perspective of focusing on a single thing when that single thing is everything but the Whole thing?  Believing that the various parts of the Universe (as well as our own individual parts) exist as separate from the whole (therefore requiring our attention) keeps the Soul imprisoned in an unnatural polar state of existence.

When we focus instead on the whole (in thought and deed), then no individual part of the whole can possibly control us by any means because in truth we then possess the truth that there really are no parts of the universe (though it looks that way.  Instead we realize deep down that It is All just One Big Thing and we are One with All.

Only in doing the spiritual work required to reacquire this long lost Original perspective, attaining it, and maintaining it for life can we ever hope to be guided by true wisdom and knowledge.  Once this state of Original Being is established within, then it is possible to ‘see’ a ‘part’ and know everything about that part because we truly know that it is not an individual thing apart from everything else, but rather is only displaying itself as an illusionary part when in fact it is really One with the Whole.

After attaining the Wholly (holy) perspective, then anything we choose to do as karma-dharma work is given/performed with the full knowledge of being for the benefit of the whole, not just the parts.

In this way, even when ‘one thing’ serves another ‘one thing’……the truth is…All are served.


Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

The reason the government has made prostitution illegal is because it actually thinks it owns your body!  The reason the government forces you to get a license to drive (even to go fishing!) is because once again it thinks that it owns the roads (and the fish too?).  It makes citizens pay yearly taxes on things the citizens already believe they own (as with property taxes).

Governments (such as ours is today) are the epitome of expression for selfishness on the planet.  It thinks it owns everything and must control everyone alive.

The more the common people think they need a government, the more enslaved they will become.  The greatest manifestations of evil, selfish control that have ever appeared on this planet have always resulted from a populace handing over power to someone or something outside of themselves.


Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Evolving is the opposite of Involving or being Involved.

When you are involved in the Illusion, you do not evolve out of it.

Conversely when you are Evolved, you are not at all involved with the nonsense of the Illusion since you recognize it as such.  Evolved people only involve themselves with those who would ask of them anything they are capable of providing (meaning the spiritual Truth they can teach).  Evolved people do not force anything upon anyone.  They only offer their work or service to any who are capable of recognizing their own need of such service.

By way of comparison, Involved ones advertise to anyone dumb enough to be taken in by the illusion.  Slaves who are also Involved in the worldly illusion live their lives by these forced advertisements, and are even ruled by them.  Those unfortunate ones who ‘get involved’ in one or more advertised wastes of time never derive any Soul happiness from such activities.  They only make fools of themselves.

The Evolved do not let such advertisements change them, for they know the True essence behind this ever-changing panorama.  The Evolved do not let any strong attachments rule them.  They go where their selfless interests take them.  If there is no interest in their work, they won’t get upset over it.  They simply move on, offering their work elsewhere. And if there is no interest whatsoever in their work?  Then they can evolve back to the Creator when they die, knowing full well that they did what was required of them down to the last day.

Beware of ‘getting involved’ in anything.

Do whatsoever it is that Creator asks of you, following your own Intuition constantly.  In other words…



Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

The reason enlightened people give away so much of themselves freely (or at least attempt to do so as much as possible) is that they want to eliminate Desire and this giving away process is the Karma yoga and/or Dharma that they do each day for the good of all.  This is proof of achievement of selflessness.  One modern master stated that he worked tirelessly all the time, once mentioning that he generally worked till he dropped, about 21 hours each day total, needing only 3 hours of sleep.  I don’t know if all masters manifest such high capacity…but in this case, the master’s selflessness is evident.


Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

The only difference between laughter and crying is that the cause of both, though the same in either case, is a perception that is registered as either pleasant or unpleasant, and the manifestation is a violent disruption of the nervous system, the difference being of course that tears accompany the crying (and in extreme cases, laughter too).

The cause which is the same in both instances is this—a false perception that something is wrong.  Buddha once stated that “Everything is as it should be.”  When one can experience a state of mind like that full time, then there is nothing that can make one laugh or cry.  Think about it.  If nothing makes you laugh or cry, then perhaps it is because you are on some level perceiving everything as happening exactly the way it should, a natural manifestation of the original cause/desire that started the whole panorama in the first place.  So if everything is running smoothly, what can make you mourn or burst in laughter if you see that the machinery is running smoothly?  Remember how the Bible’s Book of Revelation mentioned something about “wiping away every tear”?  This is a reference to the state of consciousness that allows one to see all things as equal—therefore no reason to mourn or weep over anything.

If what you perceive is disturbing, then that is all the reason/cause one needs to do some useful spiritual service to humanity still suffering in the hell they created for themselves.
