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Archive for November, 2009


Wednesday, November 25th, 2009

Received an intensely vivid vision of a new technology in our near future.  It is a brand new kind of electrically powered artificial light source that is intensely bright and uses astoundingly small amounts of energy to operate (about 1/10th of the requirements of a standard Light Emitting Diode, i.e. an LED)

The design is deceptively simplistic and elegant.  The filament is simply restructured into a 2D or 3D Flower Of Life.  Each intersection point of the design is connected to the two poles of the electrical current.  These filaments will be constructed on a very small scale.  In fact, if current LED design is restructured accordingly, they also will be brighter and more efficient.

These Flower Of Life filaments (someone may coin the name “Filaments of Light” or similar) will have multiple applications at endless levels of typical lighting needs—home lighting, street lighting, automobile headlights, pocket flashlights, emergency lighting, etc.

Scientists will discover thru experimentation that the design will operate more efficiently when the filaments are made (at least in part) with gold and/or special new forms of powdered gold possessing unusual properties.

The design will eventually become so amazingly efficient that an entire home’s lighting system will be able to operate at a slightly lower level of peaceful luminosity all night long drawing on the electrical current obtained from just a small solar array exposed to the minimal light of the full moon!

In time this vision of a new lighting technology will manifest…soon.



Monday, November 23rd, 2009

An examination of one of the most gruesome nursery rhymes may prove its origin to be in Quabbalah.

Rock a bye baby on the tree top

When the wind blows the cradle will rock.

When the bough breaks the cradle will fall

And down will come baby cradle and all.

I actually think these altogether gruesome lyrics (sung to a baby of all people!) refer to a simple fact of Yoga—breath.

The first line refers to a state of non-breathing and the peace of God that we feel within as a result.  In that state we are at the top of the Quabbalistic Tree of Life.

The second line tells us that when we begin to breath, we dangerously tilt from one side to another.  Stated another way, we begin to dangerously delve into Polarity, swinging wildly from side to side, jeopardizing our position of peace at the top of the Tree.

The third line tells us that if we swing too much or too far, we disturb our natural state of being at peace and fall down the tree.

And the fourth tells us the eventual consequences of breath (breath = life) and delving too much into Polarity–suffering.  And we fall down the Tree of Life, all the way down to the bottom.

The lesson here is not to swing too far in Polarity, but to be as close to the middle as possible, thereby assuring the Peace of God will be ours.

For God is experienced only in the most peaceful place on the Tree of Life.

And that is found at the very top, experiencing Oneness, forever above Polarity.

Just a thought…better this interpretation than the obvious and ghastly meaning of this weird nursery rhyme!



Monday, November 23rd, 2009

Where does beauty come from if not from the Almighty that has created it in the first place?

Why do populations in industrialized, so-called ‘advanced’ civilizations have such a totally needless problem with nudity?  How exactly did tits and dicks become such a horrible thing, even when displayed in any manner of beautiful artistic expression?  Why do modern cultures have such aversion to human nudity?

Why do ignorant populations belittle beautiful women?  Why do they like to tear down lovely girls (especially celebrities) and shred them to pieces in any way possible?  Why do the masses so love to destroy women in the media?  Are they still falling prey to some ancient genetically encoded desire to sacrifice young girls, even if that currently means that we destroy them using the media?

Beauty is just harmony expressed and simultaneously recognized as such.  Harmonious music gives us pleasure because it is beautiful.  Harmonious paintings and sculptures give us pleasure as well.   So why is the beauty of a naked human being so denigrated?  If a human body is harmonious, then it is internally recognized as beautiful, and it should give us pleasure—that is only normal.

So why do modern societies tend to hate pleasure so much?  Especially as it pertains to a beautiful young woman?

Why has society (in general) fallen so far down a needless hole of despair, with no beauty, no harmony, no pleasure, nothing to soothe us whatsoever?

How is it that we have come to favor anger, discontentment, warfare and hatred rather than the simple joys of pleasure that God has ordained for us all to savor as we will?

The religious delusion of preoccupation with needlessly perceived ‘sin’ has destroyed us all…



Saturday, November 7th, 2009

The step by step process of attaining Enlightenment may be likened to a process of becoming more and more adept at the art of adaptability or acclimatization, in this case becoming accustomed to the process of Eternal Change so that one flows with it or at least has the ability to flow and change at a much faster rate in accordance with the Ever-changing Universe.

Just a thought…



Saturday, November 7th, 2009

A key technique to be applied on the psychological level is to live your life with an open mind, free to think anything and everything but without necessarily intending what we think about to manifest in our experience.  Or describe it like this—there is no need to automatically react to anything in life, especially those things labeled as evil.  Stated another way, don’t make mountains out of molehills, and for that matter don’t make molehills out of nothing at all.

Here follows a great way to describe the even-mindedness that accompanies the state of enlightenment.  Enlightenment is a state of mind in which one is able to think about or otherwise look upon anything at all, even a demon or other great evil phenomenon, and react with no especial feelings one way or the other, remaining so neutral as to even be able to compassionately love the thing in question for exactly what it is—just another manifestation of an otherwise purely imaginary idea, and therefore no need to ‘make it real’ by fearing it or obsessing over it in one way or another as though it were anything other than the dream it is.

Such peace of mind that is.

Fear a dream, would you?  Now that is the very definition of a fool.



Saturday, November 7th, 2009

Ever notice how people say that if they knew that they would die in a very short time, perhaps even knowing the exact moment death occurs, that they would ‘party up’ or engage in some other such enjoyable activity?

Most people don’t think about their death.  But the great Spiritualists of every age have been those who had the courage to think about death, and even meet death face to face with calmness and peace of mind.  As a result, they generally live their lives in as much of a joyous way they can, encouraging others to be joyous themselves.

Joy is simply the result of a ritualistic (repetitive) performance of certain techniques or technological processes that render the most possible joy (greatest result) from the most efficient (smallest), effective (wisest) amount of effort applied.

If everyone lived this way on a daily basis, then life itself in the world would likely resemble one giant magical place with a never-ending party-like atmosphere, a place in which everyone was in Joy no matter what they did.

Sounds like a fun world, doesn’t it?



Saturday, November 7th, 2009

The movie Minority Report is based upon the writings of author Philip K. Dick.  The story demonstrates the absurdity of arresting people and imprisoning them for crimes they are allegedly destined to commit in the future, essentially robbing people of their God-given right of Free Will to choose for themselves what to do at every instant of time in their lives.

The modern day penal system demonstrates the absurdity of arresting people for having already used their God-given right of Free Will to choose for themselves what to do at every instant of time in their lives.

Either way, what we have here is a violation of Free Will, except that the only difference is one of Time, which occult science tells us is illusionary.

People who don’t like others using their free will to choose things that are even slightly out of the ‘norm’ always end up finding a way to deceive the masses into thinking that certain choices are wrong for everyone when in fact they are only wrong for themselves alone.  Everyone has the right to act of their own free will.  No one has the right to punish anyone else for anything.  What happens, happens.  There is nothing we can do to change what is past, and putting people away for just doing what they want to do is just a symbolic way for fearful zombies to ease their minds when confronted with a manifestation of someone else’s freewill choice that they themselves (for whatever reason) will not allow themselves to make.  So rather than be reminded of their own limitation, they project their limitation onto someone else by putting them away.  And then both parties have been condemned.

This mode of action is absurd.  It is NOT divine in any way.  Useless.

Try Wisdom.  Try Forgiveness.  Try Healing.

Who knows?  It may just work.  It certainly hasn’t been tried yet.”—George Carlin



Saturday, November 7th, 2009

Do not overlook someone’s aloofness or indifference when you openly reveal some alleged sin or supposed fault in your character.  Such an apparently transparent attitude is actually God’s Merciful Forgiveness in disguise.  Such a person can be a lifelong friend.

Only a jackass reacts with horror and condemnation to all manner of evil that manifests in the world.  Ignore these fools.  For they know nothing of God, much less the spiritual amnesty that is extended to us every moment of every day.  If God didn’t forgive us our stupidity on a daily basis, none of us would survive past infancy.

Regarding the above truth, then in one sense it doesn’t matter what we do with our lives.  We are forgiven each microsecond of every second of every minute, forever for every little slip up on our part.  We are forgiven that we may acquire enough time to learn from our errors.  That is truly Divine.  It happens every day.

Therefore, pay no attention to the loud shrieking and rambling of misguided souls who know not their connection to the Eternal Spirit, always shouting a flurry of condemnations at everything but the sun.



Saturday, November 7th, 2009

When we foolishly rail against the natural gifts of God, as so happened with the illegalization of alcohol during America’s Prohibition era complete (with its utterly disastrous results), and also with the current illegalization of naturally occurring plants such as marijuana, mushrooms, etc., then due to this manifestation of overwhelming human ignorance, God has no choice but to inevitably send destruction to those responsible for attempting to destroy or otherwise make unavailable those Divine Gifts that God sees fit to present to His children.

God is not mocked.  Those who think they are making a safer planet by trying to unwisely eliminate or unlawfully prohibit God’s Gifts are dangerously deluding themselves.  Rest assured, they are reaping a harvest of sorrow for themselves.  By the Law of Polarity and the Law of Karma, their senseless actions in restricting others from God’s Gifts will only result in a simultaneous restriction placed upon their own lives, perhaps even depriving them of their very lives if the Universe deems it proper that such a fool should ‘by chance’ ever meet up with someone who knows Cosmic Law and therefore lacks any fear about protecting their rights to free access to God’s Gifts.  The results of such a meeting can only spell doom for that fool who has broken God’s Law.



Friday, November 6th, 2009

The reason that ancient man began arming himself with stones, knives, spears and such seems as obvious as the reason people do it still to this day with modern weapons like guns and knives and bombs.  Like their ancient ancestors, modern humanity still has no inner knowledge and realization that they are truly One With God and have nothing to fear.

When the ancients first feared, they simply forgot that they were One with All Things including the animals and other humans, i.e., they feared being attacked by something that seemed to be on the outside.  They had forgotten that all that they saw around them was a movie-hologram projected by the Supreme Conscious Mind to which they were all linked.  This initial thought that they were different from what they were experiencing contributed to an experience of Fear, and this fear caused them to think that any one or more things ‘out there’ could possibly hurt them in some way.  Hence, grab an object (any object will do) and use it against anything that is ‘out there’.  Spiritual Truth is really that simple, if one can understand it thru the morass of one’s own genetically inherited fear.

We are safe.  When we see it and feel it and know it, then nothing can hurt you.  And the more profoundly one realizes this Truth, the more safe one becomes.  After all, since everything is just a projection of the Supreme Mind, why would any part of God’s Conscious Mind attack another part of that same Conscious Mind?  Silly.  Therefore, why would anything or anyone attack you?  That is the best kind of protection, to realize that you don’t need to be protected, and then no thing hurts you.  And neither do you attract it or anything at all to yourself if you don’t focus on it.  Such statements may sound absurd.  But the lives of many spiritual masters, saints, yogis, etc., exemplify this.  There are countless stories testifying to these statements.  Just look for them.  Research it yourself!

The ‘civilized’ world wants us to think everything can hurt us, and people believe it.  And the Dark Side wins.  Hence the reason for the sad state of the world today.  Silly.  And definitely unnecessary.

Forget fear.  No need of it!  If life is what we make it, they why would anyone voluntarily choose fear and fear related stuff or ideas?  Pointless!

Be joyful, for you are One with It All, the Universal Spirit.  If you don’t realize it today, don’t worry too much about it.

One day, you will realize it.
