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December 8th, 2009

T. Henry Moray’s Radiant energy device was an electronic device that was tuned into Zero Point Energy.  It was first charged with energy and then fine tuned (much like an old radio) until the device was receiving energy on its own.  Greatly simplified, the process involved tuning the device into a certain frequency and then stepping-down the overwhelming energy being received into something useful that could operate lights or appliances.

This electronic device is analogous to a correctly programmed mind, capable of tuning in to the Cosmic forces of Divine Will, and then allowing these forces to step down thru the brain, spine and nervous system until the energy is useful on the physical plane.

Moray described the process of the functioning of his device as a matter of “randomness synchronized to randomness”.

In magic circles, the ideal magician is one who can tune into the random Divine force called Love, and channel this Cosmic Love down thru a properly programmed nervous system where this energy is routed and rerouted according to the nervous system programming, until eventually the intention inherent in this Love-energy finds its proper expression in some form of action thru the human being.

When we are tuned into the Divine Will and possess a properly programmed mind-body system, then the Love of God will never have any problem finding the correct pathway through us as it winds its way through the maze of our programmed nervous system, eventually finding the precise channel through which it can express itself.  This is Divine Action manifested.

The Will of God only does through us whatever we allow it to do, as per our Free Will choices and/or current programming.

The sum total experience of these choices and programming is what we call life.

BTW, the device mentioned above was a real invention, but was smashed (literally) by the Dark forces running amuck on earth.  Pity,…for it would have provided free electrical power to the whole world.

The reader is advised to research the history of the man and his device, if one is foolish enough to think that the author just ‘made up’ a story to prove a point.



December 8th, 2009

Those who protest the ways of life of others, and actively seek to interfere with those ways, are fearful people who generally harvest an early death.  When life is perceived in an illusory way, then desiring death (consciously or unconsciously) is certainly a pity, but understandable.

And then there are those who simply live their lives of joy, doing as they will while seeking no ill intent on others.  They are those who master death itself, stave it off, and frighten it off even!  Living this way allows you to be grateful for the life you have already, being so fulfilled and satisfied that you can even smile at the thought that your own death may be coming soon.

Living your life as you will always puts a calm look of content on your face, as well as serene state of mind that cancels out the would-be effects of the zoo-like entertainment going in the movie called Life, foremost of these effects being that of ‘taking life too seriously’.  For to take life too seriously is to take a movie seriously.  When anyone comes out of a movie theater thinking that what they just saw is real, don’t his more enlightened friends usually tell him he is crazy?

Do movies really affect you as anything other than just another story anymore?  Do you not know that it is all a big movie, an ongoing Comedy/Drama that no one in their right mind would think that this nonsensical movie is ‘for real’.  Why fear the proliferation of war machines?  Remember that it is composed of the same God-stuff that you are, and therefore will not hurt you.  Since when has a movie reached out and punched you?.  And even if it did (such as the Star Trek type ‘holodeck’) wouldn’t you know that it is not really there to hurt you unless you programmed it to do so?  And even then, you wouldn’t be taking it so seriously that you would program it to kill you?  How could it?

When you are One with Divinity, then you know that it is not in God’s nature to hurt God, i.e., Itself.  As it happened to one saint who worshipped Divinity (as the Hindu Deity ‘Vishnu’) one day when he saw an oncoming attack by a man with a large sword, he calmly stated “I am Vishnu, you (the attacker) are Vishnu, that blade is Vishnu, therefore it will not harm me for how can Vishnu attack itself?”  And the blade turned to dust right in the hand of the man.  His attack now foiled, he ran off in fright.

Now that is total identification of one’s own Self as One with Deity.



December 8th, 2009

It has been stated so many times before by so many spiritual authors, for it is so very true…

There is no such thing as coincidence.

The phenomenon of Coincidence or Synchronicity (sync, for short) happens all the time.  Everyday, everyone can notice at least one sync if they are open to noticing such.  Heck, sometimes we can’t help but notice a sync because of its seemingly extraordinary characteristic in it manifestation.  Perhaps the sync happens in a very short time, as in “I was just thinking about that!”  Perhaps it is a word or phrase that reflects something you were thinking about recently that is repeated back to you from someone you never met before while attending a party.  Or maybe you hear this thought reflected back to you from a phrase you overhear out in the street from someone engaged in a private conversation with someone else, or even talking on a cell phone.  Or maybe you heard it from an annoying TV commercial that you never paid attention to before.  This type of sync is called a ‘cledon’.

Or maybe the sync comes in a different fashion altogether.  Sometimes when you are thinking about something, wondering if your thoughts are correct on the matter, you may notice that your clock or CD player time counter reads something like 1:11 or 4:44 or 11:11 or even 12:12.  This is one of the more common forms of sync being observed by uncountable people today (a quick internet search will prove this).  This is a sync in the form of a recognizable pattern with no apparent connection to what was being thought.  It just happened to be noticed at the right time and must be interpreted as merely a signal of confirmation.  The numbers or number patterns don’t necessarily have to contain some hidden meaning, though they might if you are the type of person who studies numerology.

So much for how the synchronicity process functions.  But what is rarely realized by people who notice these syncs is that this is actually Divinity’s way of reflecting back to you something It wants you to pay attention to.  In other words, it means (if you are spiritually inclined) that you are on the right track.  Call them a signpost on the road of life letting you know that you are in fact on the right road.

Furthermore, what is almost never realized by those people who are new to the phenomenon of noticing syncs is that they themselves are creating them.  Upon contemplating that for a while, one may venture to think the unthinkable—that they are more powerful than they ever imagined.  But upon examination, this should not shock anyone who is even able to think of such a notion.  After all, we are One With God, connected to God, and are not only able to act as stewards of the earth, but we are verily commanded to be such.  Everything we do in life is reflected back to us, all of the good and bad alike.  This reflection is the phenomenon of coincidence or synchronicity.  Likewise, everything we do on God’s behalf is reflected back to us a sync.

But when we act on God’s behalf, then we should not be so amazed that the feedback we get from the Universe should get our attention through apparent ‘miracles’.  The simple truth is that everything that we do in life is a miracle—it just isn’t always recognized as such until we get some unexpected feedback that grabs our attention, initiating a state of spiritual bewilderment that stems from the fact that we are not yet fully aware of our Divine connection that made this unexpected feedback possible.

But if we persist in pursuing and/or maintaining a firm realization of our Inner Divine connection, then when we do recognize some incredible syncs as we go about our daily lives, they will not be so mysterious to us.  We will instead recognize that we have done something correct on God’s behalf and be joyous that our work has been approved.

Living your life with an awareness of your Spiritual connection to Divinity always results in wonderful syncs popping up here and there.

Taking this a step further, spiritual masters do not bother to look for syncs, but rather they engage in God’s work in such a way that the manifestation of the work itself becomes the sync.  And if they notice any syncs?  Well, that is just normal!  For example, say a Master decided that he will create a spiritual commune or ashram or retreat (what’s in a name?).  Then when the commune sprouted up and students and seekers just showed up as if ‘by magic’ (exactly what is happening), then the Master will not look around at all the folks who showed up and wonder “what does this sync mean?” or “what is God trying to tell me here?”.  The master will already know the answers to those questions, and would not bother to even ask them.

The simply fact is that the manifestation of the commune itself is the sync.  In other words, the Master has simply realized that the initially perplexing phenomenon (synchronicity) is just the natural action of the Universe reflecting back to him whatever he was thinking, feeling, etc.  And so, he took the next step in the spiritual journey and began using this discovery of a Universal Law to help humanity, and built a spiritual community.  We should all aspire to this.

Call it what you may, Synchronicity or Coincidence, but do not underestimate this seemingly curious and innocuous phenomenon, for when you become aware of it, you will recognize it as the natural functioning of a Universal Law.

So if & when you see your next sync,…Pay attention!  God is talking back to you!



December 8th, 2009

There is so much bullshit in the media these days about the subject of health.  Every news channel has its own alleged health expert doling out useless information on how to stay healthy.  I used the word ‘alleged’ because one major news network recently had its so-called expert repeatedly push people to take measures against yet another killer virus, and yet what happened?  The expert caught the damned virus! Enough said.

If you wish to stay healthy, the key is movement or flowing.  Everything about you must flow.  To hold still invites illness,…or worse.

Since ancient times, the wisest physicians have extolled the virtue of keeping all of the vital forces of the body in a state of flow.  To do this perfectly ensures perfect health.  The degree to which you are not flowing will determine your relative health, and the illness that results is directly related to which of your vital forces is not moving.

The human body is like a machine.  When the parts flow together harmoniously, health is assured.  If any part is not functioning properly, illness results.

All of the above statements are easily understood if one uses the following simple examples.

If your bowels are obstructed, you cannot excrete waste.  Illness results.

If you are dehydrated, or your digestion is weak, you cannot extract vital nutrients from food.  Illness results.

If your lungs are infected or clogged or diseased, you cannot extract oxygen.  Illness results.

If you never exercise your body, your vitality decreases.  Illness results.

Simple, eh?

All of these basic bodily systems must function properly to have any chance of producing health.

No amount of flu vaccinations, antibiotics, or harsh chemical drugs can replace the deceptively simplistic means which Divinity has ordained us to use to maintain health.  FACT!

Paying exorbitant amounts of money to some invisible health insurance corporation will NOT produce health.

However, using that money to purchase healthy food can produce health.  Drinking clean water can produce health.  Breathing clean air can produce health.  Engaging in a moderate amount of the exercise of your choice can produce health.  All 4 of these simple suggestions practiced each & every day can produce health.  And it has worked this way since…FOREVER.

Ancient civilizations prospered without health insurance and vaccinations and MRI’s.  They built towering structures of pure stone without the benefit of a modern disease-infested hospital loaded with electronic equipment.

All of the answers to our health problems are found in NATURE.  End of argument.

The same energetic forces that flow thru Nature and produce health in Her plants and creatures are the EXACT SAME forces that flow thru us as well, and can produce the same health as found in Nature’s life forms.

All that is needed is to examine Nature to discover Her secrets, for She hides Her secrets in plain sight.  It is humanity that has erred if it is sick and remains so.  She can heal you with the same forces of Divinity that flow thru Her, for She is the very manifestation of Divinity’s Eternal Forces.  The choice is up to the human being to flow with Nature and Divinity, or to ignore it and perish in pain and sickness.

But neither Divinity nor Nature will choose for you.

And when your final breath is drawn, when Death arrives for you (as it does for ALL living things) you will know for a fact that despite the external situations into which you may have lived, be they favorable or not, it was you and your efforts that helped produce as much abundant health as was possible (in your life circumstance) to stave off the Final Visitor for as long as was the duration of your life.  Dying old or young matters not.  It is the health-related choices we made during life that are important.  No one can take that away from you.  Do your best, or don’t.  Heed the ancient forces or don’t.  Flow with God and Its Forces of Nature…or don’t.

That really is all that one need do to be healthy.



November 25th, 2009

Received an intensely vivid vision of a new technology in our near future.  It is a brand new kind of electrically powered artificial light source that is intensely bright and uses astoundingly small amounts of energy to operate (about 1/10th of the requirements of a standard Light Emitting Diode, i.e. an LED)

The design is deceptively simplistic and elegant.  The filament is simply restructured into a 2D or 3D Flower Of Life.  Each intersection point of the design is connected to the two poles of the electrical current.  These filaments will be constructed on a very small scale.  In fact, if current LED design is restructured accordingly, they also will be brighter and more efficient.

These Flower Of Life filaments (someone may coin the name “Filaments of Light” or similar) will have multiple applications at endless levels of typical lighting needs—home lighting, street lighting, automobile headlights, pocket flashlights, emergency lighting, etc.

Scientists will discover thru experimentation that the design will operate more efficiently when the filaments are made (at least in part) with gold and/or special new forms of powdered gold possessing unusual properties.

The design will eventually become so amazingly efficient that an entire home’s lighting system will be able to operate at a slightly lower level of peaceful luminosity all night long drawing on the electrical current obtained from just a small solar array exposed to the minimal light of the full moon!

In time this vision of a new lighting technology will manifest…soon.



November 23rd, 2009

An examination of one of the most gruesome nursery rhymes may prove its origin to be in Quabbalah.

Rock a bye baby on the tree top

When the wind blows the cradle will rock.

When the bough breaks the cradle will fall

And down will come baby cradle and all.

I actually think these altogether gruesome lyrics (sung to a baby of all people!) refer to a simple fact of Yoga—breath.

The first line refers to a state of non-breathing and the peace of God that we feel within as a result.  In that state we are at the top of the Quabbalistic Tree of Life.

The second line tells us that when we begin to breath, we dangerously tilt from one side to another.  Stated another way, we begin to dangerously delve into Polarity, swinging wildly from side to side, jeopardizing our position of peace at the top of the Tree.

The third line tells us that if we swing too much or too far, we disturb our natural state of being at peace and fall down the tree.

And the fourth tells us the eventual consequences of breath (breath = life) and delving too much into Polarity–suffering.  And we fall down the Tree of Life, all the way down to the bottom.

The lesson here is not to swing too far in Polarity, but to be as close to the middle as possible, thereby assuring the Peace of God will be ours.

For God is experienced only in the most peaceful place on the Tree of Life.

And that is found at the very top, experiencing Oneness, forever above Polarity.

Just a thought…better this interpretation than the obvious and ghastly meaning of this weird nursery rhyme!



November 23rd, 2009

Where does beauty come from if not from the Almighty that has created it in the first place?

Why do populations in industrialized, so-called ‘advanced’ civilizations have such a totally needless problem with nudity?  How exactly did tits and dicks become such a horrible thing, even when displayed in any manner of beautiful artistic expression?  Why do modern cultures have such aversion to human nudity?

Why do ignorant populations belittle beautiful women?  Why do they like to tear down lovely girls (especially celebrities) and shred them to pieces in any way possible?  Why do the masses so love to destroy women in the media?  Are they still falling prey to some ancient genetically encoded desire to sacrifice young girls, even if that currently means that we destroy them using the media?

Beauty is just harmony expressed and simultaneously recognized as such.  Harmonious music gives us pleasure because it is beautiful.  Harmonious paintings and sculptures give us pleasure as well.   So why is the beauty of a naked human being so denigrated?  If a human body is harmonious, then it is internally recognized as beautiful, and it should give us pleasure—that is only normal.

So why do modern societies tend to hate pleasure so much?  Especially as it pertains to a beautiful young woman?

Why has society (in general) fallen so far down a needless hole of despair, with no beauty, no harmony, no pleasure, nothing to soothe us whatsoever?

How is it that we have come to favor anger, discontentment, warfare and hatred rather than the simple joys of pleasure that God has ordained for us all to savor as we will?

The religious delusion of preoccupation with needlessly perceived ‘sin’ has destroyed us all…



November 7th, 2009

The step by step process of attaining Enlightenment may be likened to a process of becoming more and more adept at the art of adaptability or acclimatization, in this case becoming accustomed to the process of Eternal Change so that one flows with it or at least has the ability to flow and change at a much faster rate in accordance with the Ever-changing Universe.

Just a thought…



November 7th, 2009

A key technique to be applied on the psychological level is to live your life with an open mind, free to think anything and everything but without necessarily intending what we think about to manifest in our experience.  Or describe it like this—there is no need to automatically react to anything in life, especially those things labeled as evil.  Stated another way, don’t make mountains out of molehills, and for that matter don’t make molehills out of nothing at all.

Here follows a great way to describe the even-mindedness that accompanies the state of enlightenment.  Enlightenment is a state of mind in which one is able to think about or otherwise look upon anything at all, even a demon or other great evil phenomenon, and react with no especial feelings one way or the other, remaining so neutral as to even be able to compassionately love the thing in question for exactly what it is—just another manifestation of an otherwise purely imaginary idea, and therefore no need to ‘make it real’ by fearing it or obsessing over it in one way or another as though it were anything other than the dream it is.

Such peace of mind that is.

Fear a dream, would you?  Now that is the very definition of a fool.



November 7th, 2009

Ever notice how people say that if they knew that they would die in a very short time, perhaps even knowing the exact moment death occurs, that they would ‘party up’ or engage in some other such enjoyable activity?

Most people don’t think about their death.  But the great Spiritualists of every age have been those who had the courage to think about death, and even meet death face to face with calmness and peace of mind.  As a result, they generally live their lives in as much of a joyous way they can, encouraging others to be joyous themselves.

Joy is simply the result of a ritualistic (repetitive) performance of certain techniques or technological processes that render the most possible joy (greatest result) from the most efficient (smallest), effective (wisest) amount of effort applied.

If everyone lived this way on a daily basis, then life itself in the world would likely resemble one giant magical place with a never-ending party-like atmosphere, a place in which everyone was in Joy no matter what they did.

Sounds like a fun world, doesn’t it?
