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Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

The older I get and the wiser I get, the more it is obvious to me that within the plane of Physical existence, evil will never be eradicated.

Good and Evil exist equally on this Physical plane.  It was designed that way by the Creator.  And that is all there is to it.  Both serve a purpose in this plane.  Both have their day in the sun.  There is no changing this eternal Truth—not unless one transcends to another plane of existence altogether.  And that in a nutshell is the goal of humanity’s existence, to transcend.

Throughout the history of Earth, there has always been times when Good is in ascendance and conversely there have been times when Evil seems to be dominant.  And so it shall always be.

So what is the purpose of this?

According to the ancient scriptures, the reason they exist is to serve as a painful prod that eventually causes the Soul back to the Eternal awareness of the Truth—that it is One with God/Creator.

In the highest realm, the highest Heaven or Paradise, there is no division of the Polarities of Good and Evil.  All is compressed to a Singularity, to a One-ness.  This must be experienced to comprehend it.  It cannot truly be explained in mere words.  Only those who have achieved Enlightenment/Transcendence know this by experience.

God is One.  God is Truth.  And the Soul is truly One with God.  All else is illusion.  So said the great monist Shankara so many years ago, still rightly revered by pious Hindus today.  Regarding the true nature of existence, I can scarcely recall a better answer to the greatest questions that the human mind has ever pondered.

The world is an illusion.  Good and Evil are illusions.  They are at best a pathetic imitation of the true reality of the Oneness that is God.  God is All, All That Is, All That Was, and All That Will Be.  And its nature is a singular compression of All.  It is One.  There is no place for Good and Evil to exist where there is only ONE.

So the next time you feel overwhelmed by evil, frustrated by evil, attacked by evil, etc., just remember this.  It serves a purpose as much as does its opposite quality—good.  In the plane of Duality/Polarity which is the Physical Plane, they will always exist.  Get over it.

Therefore enjoy the Good, learn from the Evil.  Endure the frustrating Polarity that is eternally inherent in this plane.  Be calm.  Be patient.  Be aware that it is all illusion.  Enlighten yourself by transcending the dualities.

And one fine day, when you have mastered this divine state of being in your daily life, you will become One with God and experience One and ONLY ONE.  This is enlightenment.  This is transcendence.  This is your destiny.



Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

Since ancient times, there has persisted a tradition that the first born son is somehow of greater importance than all of the other sons of the same parents.

Well someone has to say it and I guess it will be me.

This ancient tradition is bullshit.

Well, perhaps that is too harsh, but it is true nonetheless.

The problem stems from the fact that this old tradition is a misunderstanding of a scientific fact that was known in ancient times, was subsequently forgotten and thoroughly degraded into a myth thru eons of time, and has resurfaced in the scientific laboratories only in the last 10 years.

What was discovered is this.  A female only has a certain amount of testosterone to give to her male offspring.  The first son receives the most generous portion of this male hormone.  The amount of testosterone the mother gives to the next son is significantly reduced.  And the next son receives even less.  And so on and so on it goes.  Every succeeding son gets less male hormone from his mother.

The result is thus.  Generally speaking, the first son is naturally the most active and outgoing of any male offspring.  In ancient times, this vigor was needed to protect the family or the village or nation, etc.  In other words, the first son was usually the warrior-soldier of the family.  Or else he was expected to carry on his father’s line of work.  Why?  Because he was given the most vitality and aggressiveness needed to maintain the family line.

The succeeding sons got practically nothing by comparison.  Why?  Not enough male hormone.  Imagine a son with so little testosterone that his very body is small and weak.  What kind of soldier would that make?  Not a very good one.  He might even be more inclined to pacifism.  In a violent world, such a notion was unthinkable.

In fact, if the succeeding son (or sons) didn’t get enough testosterone, he might even be homosexual.  How could a gay man be expected to continue the family line if he wasn’t attracted to women?  This last bit is not nonsense.  It was revealed by a scientific study that sought out to explain how and why straight couples sometimes produce gay men.  The scientific data collected during the study demonstrated overwhelmingly that succeeding sons are more prone to be gay with each generation.  The study showed that each new son was over 30% likely to be homosexual than the next older son.

It doesn’t take much thought to see how such scientific facts can degrade over time to the point that families who didn’t understand science would begin to place value on the first born son and devote less attention to the younger boys that followed.  This could easily turn into a tradition among simple-minded people.

And that is precisely what happened.

And it is still happening to this day.

I see no point in explaining all of this further.  It should be obvious to anyone who can think.

The above facts should not be interpreted as good or bad.  These are just the facts proven by science.

Take it or leave it.



Thursday, March 25th, 2010

“Brahman (God) is the only Truth.  The world is unreal.  The individual Soul is truly Brahman (God) and nothing else.”—Shankara.

What else is there to say?



Friday, March 19th, 2010

Just before writing this, I climbed up on the roof of the first floor of my house to begrudgingly clean some leaves stuck in the gutter.  But I was to find out there was another purpose to my being sent up there.  When I finished unclogging the gutters I decided (as I invariably do on the rare occasions I am up there) to climb up on the roof of the second floor to take a look around.  What I saw was despairing to say the least.

With the exception of the line of trees immediately southwest of my house, everywhere I looked I saw…


If the roof had been higher, I would have jumped off, ending my life once and for all.  But my chances of surviving a 20 foot drop were pretty good and as far as I am concerned, failure to succeed in such a final act is inexcusable.  You either do it or you don’t.  So I just kept looking around, not even sure why the hell I was doing it.

To the north I saw something that made me want to vomit.  I could see the rooftops of houses 5 streets away.  When I was a boy, you couldn’t see anything in that direction because there was a line of trees that prevented sight of what was going on even in the next street.  I still remember even now that mysterious feeling I had when I was in my single digit years wondering what kind of world existed just a few feet beyond that tree line.  It was a genuine mystery.

And now here I was seeing nearly the entire length of that street and the street beyond with no tree line that caused such an enigma to my young mind.  The trees were long ago cut down by a new neighbor who raised horses that would periodically wake up the entire neighborhood because they would bang their hooves against the barn late at night.  Sometimes they broke out of the barn and ran thru everyone’s yards, the weight on its hooves leaving massively deep holes in everyone’s property which invariably had to be filled by yours truly.  This is civilization?

That neighbor is gone now, having sold his property to a businessman who acts as a middleman supplying offshore boats with old tires and cables and ropes, etc.  The grass of the property is nearly gone, replaced by concrete.  The whole place is now a busy warehouse.  His work crew makes so much noise in the mornings that they usually wake me up once a week or more with the racket.  Once I yelled at them from my open window and my mother came to my room wearing a horrified look on her face asking what was wrong.  Upon explaining my actions she sided with the cacophonous crew outside because they had jobs and were making money.  I guess she conveniently forgot that she complains to her own family about their noise at least 5 times each week.  But money is money, business is business, and “that is the way it is” as far as she is concerned.  This is civilization?

Still on the roof, I look to the east and see the houses of my own street leading up to the Bayou some 500 feet away.  It is called a bayou, but it is not a bayou.  By definition, a bayou is a small channel of flowing water that branches off of a large river and drains part of the river—the water is supposed to drain down to the sea.  “…supposed to…” is the key phrase there.  A bayou should flow.  But no.  Not this one.  This once major tributary of the Mississippi River that once drained an astonishing 12% of that massive river’s flow now drains about 1/10th of one percent of the flow.  Why?  Because of some goddamned fools who thought it was a damned good idea to build a goddamned dam at the mouth of this once proud tributary, never for once thinking that by building a goddamned dam they were in effect damning the lives of everyone who lived south of the goddamned dam.  This is civilization?

And over 100 years later the goddamned dam is still damning by God the lives of the forever goddamned citizens who are not even aware of the goddamned ecological damage the goddamned dam began causing over a century ago.  The people want the goddamned dam removed, but the goddamned politicians who were responsible for erecting the goddamned dam for God-knows-what goddamned reason are all dead.  And every politician who is alive now is too goddamned stupid to just say the words, “Goddamn this goddamned dam!  Tear the goddamned dam down…goddammit!”  And so the goddamned damnation of the goddamned citizens by a goddamned dam which will never be removed by the goddamned government continues to this goddamned day.

It makes me wonder to myself.  “This is civilization?  Goddammit!”

I look on to the South and see the last remaining trees of my neighborhood, at least the 85% or so that the recent hurricanes haven’t torn down.  And I can just barely see that there is a house deep inside of those trees, inside those wonderful woods where I played so freely as a boy and as a young teen.  But not anymore.  Someone who lived in the next street decided to buy up a portion of the woods and tear it down so they could put up a house.  The happy stomping ground of all of the neighborhood children was partially ruined because someone who thought they were civilized decided that trees were “in the way” of building a house.  And so the trees had to go.  This is civilization?

I sit on the roof and I look to the west.  I see the rest of my neighbors’ houses on down the street with the afternoon sun peeking out from the clouds overhead.  Beyond the homes some half a mile or so, there is a 4 lane road that was built when I was a boy.  What was back there before that?  The woods.  I used to out there too.  But not anymore.  The woods are gone now, replaced by the ever present traffic that flies away at 65 miles per hour.  I can see the cars and large 18 wheelers zooming by from up there.  Hell, I can see the traffic from the window of the upstairs den directly below the roof upon which I sit.

When I was a young, I used to ride dirt bikes and off-road three wheeled ATV’s on the manmade sand dunes that were the foundation of the present road I see in the distance.  I thought nothing of the damage that was already done back then.  How could I?  I was young.  Young people are not supposed to be concerned with the piece of shit world their parents are bequeathing them because parents are not supposed to bequeath a shitty world to their children.  So I enjoyed the woods, damaged as they were, as best I could, oblivious to the destruction that had taken place in the name of progress, for the sake of civilization.

Eventually the construction of the road was completed and I could not ride back there anymore.  And so it is today.  There are more trees torn down now then ever.  There are so few places in nature for my teenaged nephew to go play these days.  He is always amazed at the wild stories his father and I tell him of how it used to be when we were his age, riding our bikes thru the trails we made thru those woods.  Our adventures astonish him, mostly because there is nowhere left for him to ride as we did.  He has been deprived of a natural land to explore and enjoy.  So he spends much of his time playing videogames, which angers his dad to no end.  His father and I had videogames too.  But the trees were even more fun to us.  Now those trees are still being torn down by both the business interests as well as the private citizens who build more and more houses on that extended stretch of highway that was not even there when I was born.  This is civilization?

Still sitting on the roof I lift my gaze to the western sky, to the sun and the clouds slowly dancing their eternal dance of light, colors and shadows, forever unconcerned with the stupidity of humanity below.  I try to wonder what the land looked like to the Native Americans who lived here before all of this so-called civilization below me.  I have trouble trying to tune into it, but with time it comes to me and I can see the past clearly as the scenes from history come to me across time and flash thru my 3rd Eye, playing like a movie in my imagination.  And I can easily understand how it is that the Indians of America were able to live in relative harmony with the environment for thousands of years.  There was so much beauty in nature, so much wonder, so much abundance of food and resources.  Everything they needed was there on the land provided by the Creator.  It was possible to live a relatively peaceful and happy life.  I see that it was like this for much of the nation.

Who is to say that these ancient people were not already civilized?

But all of that is gone now.  My mind soars across the lands of the planet and I wonder at the wondrous natural world displayed before my rapidly fading imagination.  I do not wonder at the structures of humanity, of civilization.

I see the sun before me now.  I see its rays of light peeking out from behind the distant clouds, shining down to the earth from the sun’s center.  It reminds me of a bas relief I have seen of the heretic pharaoh Akhenaton and his family bathed by the rays of a loving Sun God.

The sun is still bathing all of the Creator’s children with Light…but I see that no one seems to receive it.  They have no need of it.  They are civilized.

No one looks up anymore.   They don’t need to.  They are civilized.

They cannot imagine a 3 Dimensional world even though they live in one because they never look up to the sky anymore.

It is impossible for me to teach 2 Dimensional civilization anything about the Spiritual 4th Dimensional world when they refuse to even look up to the sky and remember that there are 3 Dimensions surrounding them.

And so I sit on my roof bathing in the Light of the Sun, of God itself.  And I feel God’s Love streaming down from the skies because I am not civilized.  I feel God’s Love flowing thru me because I am not civilized.

Bathed in the peace and serenity of God up on the roof, I understand even more now the Divine Intuitions that God has been giving me for months now, that same message that keeps repeating over and over ad nauseam.  For too long  I have wondered how the message could be accurate.  Even after all this time, I have been wondering.

But I can’t go on denying it.  I am tired of denying it.  I don’t want to deny it anymore.

God has told me countless times already that my work here is done, that I must leave.  It is time to go home.

Sitting on the roof, aloof from the warp and woof of civilization, I sense the clarity of the message that was already clear.  I no longer belong here.  There is nothing to fear.  It is time to move on.  And I sit in perfect silence at the beauty streaming down from above.  It was created, it seems, just for me.  It must be true.  Otherwise there would be another uncivilized Divine Fool sitting on a rooftop somewhere in my extended neighborhood.  But there is me and only me.  Alone.  As usual.  Alone.  Up on the roof.  One who is One with God, elevated above the world gazing at the glory of a tiny fraction of Creation.  And I accept the Truth.  It is time to go Home.

And now it is just a waiting game.  Waiting for the last breath that God will take from my body.  I don’t know exactly when it will happen, except that it will be soon.  And it no longer bothers me anymore like it used to.  So life will be short?  Who cares?

There is an Eternal home waiting for me.  I have seen it in visions.  The Cosmos belongs to those with Cosmic Consciousness.  I received such an infusion of this God-like state of Being 5 years ago in the very room just below my body sitting on the roof now.  And now it promises to be a permanent state of Being…forever.  I fought for it.  I earned it.

Now I wait.  Now I wait.

I descend the roof and write this essay.

And now I wait.

I wait.

Waiting is.” —- from the novel Stranger In A Strange Land, by Robert A. Heinlein



Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

Every physical thing that goes into the human body eventually comes out of it—nothing is retained.  The Physical Body is a Divine thing.  It needs no other physical components other than that which already composes it.  It is complete in and of itself.

Scientific studies have been conducted some years ago which demonstrated the proof of what is written above.  The findings showed that the same amount of food that goes into a human body is also the same amount of waste that comes out of it.  No amount of food is retained—nothing at all.

So the question arises.  What is it that sustains the human body if not the food we eat?  The answer is simple.  Our bodies are sustained by the life-energy present in food.

The human gastrointestinal tract is just a tube, with an opening and an ending.

Ideally, the GI tract performs two functions.

The first function is of the GI tract is to extract the life-energy that is introduced to the body’s digestive system by way of the mouth, which includes all food, juices, teas, water, and other substances which are swallowed.  This energy is then distributed via the blood to the various parts of the body that need these energies.

The second function of the GI tract is to not only eliminate the dead, used up, energy-less substances we have eaten, but also to eliminate via the colon any and all bad energies the body had previously absorbed and stored, namely those energies that caused disease in the first place.

When the GI tract is respected and treated well by maintaining a proper diet (healthy food full of life-energy, moderate eating and drinking, etc.), then this mode of action on our part helps contribute towards the result of abundant and robust health manifested throughout the entire body.

Abuse the GI tract in any way whatsoever, and the result is eventual disease.

For those who cannot ‘believe’ that the human body doesn’t actually need the physical food but rather the life-energy contained therein, I point to those few individuals throughout history that have lived life without eating any food at all.  These people themselves admit that they were all Divinely ordained by God to live without food in order to demonstrate the truth of the assertions in the above paragraphs—that it is not the physical food that sustains us; it is the life-energy contained therein.

Just two of these individuals (both women) are the Catholic stigmatic Therese Neumann and the Indian saint Giri Bala.  Both lived without food.  I leave it to the reader to research it for themselves.  There are so many more examples, but if only one person can do it, then it cannot be dismissed by egg-headed scientists and skeptics.

Suffice it to say that both women knew without a doubt that the human being actually lives by the Light of God, Prana, Life Force, etc.,…what is in a name really?

For those who still eat food, just remember that what goes in, goes out.  If you feed the human machine real food (that which grows out of the earth) then you are using your digestive tract to extract the energy therein, and you will manifest health.  If you feed the human machine fake ‘food’ (95% of what is in a typical supermarket in the Western Industrialized Nations) then you are eating energy-less junk—don’t call it food, because it isn’t.  And you deserve the disease ridden life you will receive…and a short life it will be.

Only real food produces health.  Fake look-alikes produce death.

There is no debating this.




Friday, December 18th, 2009

Ever fill up a bottle with water, then quickly spin the water inside into a swirl and hold the bottle upside down to watch the vortex that forms as the water pours out?  We have all seen such a thing at one time or another, it usually being a source of fascination when we are children.  Then usually some school teacher replicates it for us years later and tests us to see if we understand academia’s technical explanation of a phenomenon we understood quite well when we were kids!

The action of a swirling vortex in a bottle reflects the proper mode of interaction that should be taken by all human beings when dealing with each other, no matter if that level of interaction is between two individuals or two entire nations.

The vortex is nature’s perfect representation of beneficial interactions between two entities.  In the case of the water-filled bottle turned upside down, the water must escape because it is heavier than air and desires to be below the air that is trying to rush into the bottle.  Essentially there is a balancing act taking place since the water does not belong suspended in air.

The only efficient way for this balancing to occur in accordance with natural law is with the use of the vortex.  When a vortex is formed as the exchange of air and water is taking place, each fluid (air is technically a fluid because it flows) is allowed its space to move without hampering the other in its respective movement.  In an ideal container (bottle, in this case), the water will swirl round and cling to the sides of the container while the air simply moves in thru a hole in the middle of that swirling motion—a vortex.  Each is allowed to do what it must do according to the laws of nature, but without hampering the other’s movements and actions.  Such is the efficiency of a vortex.  The necessary movements and subsequent interactions between the two fluids occur without the usual stop-and-flow gurgling that would take place otherwise, which strictly speaking is an unpleasant activity for any entity, not to mention is a waste of time in light of the possibility of using the elegant and efficient vortex.

The very manifestation of the pleasing shape of the vortex should tell anyone with half a brain that this is a Divine pattern of movement that we should all aspire towards, especially as it pertains to the way we interact with each other on a daily basis.  If only human interactions could always take place in this fashion!  Life would be so much more pleasant than the average person can possibly imagine.

Let each country, each religion, & each person move as the Divine Spirit inspires them.  If all did this, then there would be no need for any law that would guide, restrict or buffer our interactions with each other, since following the Divine Spirit’s inspirations and subsequent actions would guarantee that all of our interactions would reflect the vortex, in that we each are doing what we must, moving as we will, all the while allowing the space for the other to do the same.  Governments and endless legislation serve only to cause an unpleasant and wholly unnecessary ‘gurgling’ that neither party desires.

The vortex swirling shape in the bottle is a natural manifestation of a Divine Pattern that allows two fluids to do what they fluids do best–flow.  All else is restriction and release.  A vortex need not be deemed miraculous, but it seems miraculous only to those who do no follow the Will of the Divine.  A vortex is just natural.

And Divinity is naturally that which is only natural.

Any questions?  Then grab a bottle and do what comes naturally to children.  That’s not too difficult…is it?

Curiously, in the ancient Science of Yoga, we learn that there are 7 Chakras on the human body which act as interface points between what is seen to be the Internal and the External worlds, between the Inner Divinity and its External Manifestation.  And they function best when they are unclogged, thereby allowing a free flow of Divine Energy back and forth at the points.  And the word ‘chakra’ itself?  Can you guess what it means?  It means a wheel, or a spinning wheel…

…a vortex.



Saturday, December 12th, 2009

It has been said that the freedom fighters of one country are labeled as terrorists by another country.  This is not so strange as it may sound.

After all, what is a ‘criminal’ except someone who does something that some selfish, egotistical fear-filled fool opposes?

It sounds difficult to comprehend, but the whole world will be a better place if we just let go of our need to control the behavior of other people and allow them to do as they will, granting them the same rights as we wish for ourselves.  Barring a complete, genuine & truthful education (which does not exist in this country, maybe nowhere), the next best thing is to just let people do as they wish, and to Hell with what you think about it.  Honestly, what are people supposed to do in a place where lies are taught to children as truth, and then expect them to live that lie all of their life?  Punish them for trying to follow their hearts instead?  Perhaps the best thing to do is to let people do as they will and let the chips fall where they may.

In an unrighteous and unjust society, no one must ever be punished by that society for the things they do, for that is hypocrisy in the extreme.  Let there be only a simple acceptance or rejection made on a personal level—and nothing more.  There is no need to punish people.  A complete rejection, a simple lack of support on the part of the people can do wonders for the ‘criminals’ until they change their ways of their own accord.  That is punishment enough.  To voluntarily isolate people with nothing more than peaceful non-cooperation is enough to cause the ‘criminal’ to realize that they need to reassess their actions.  Otherwise they would find themselves completely separated from society.  And isn’t that what prison is meant for in the first place?  Societies could save a whole lot of time and money if they utilized the above suggestions instead of going the more expensive route.

Prisons are unnecessary.  People need healing, not punishment.  Such institutions are little more than a way for fearful people to ‘take care of’ their own fears concerning what other people do.  A simple tolerance of people’s right to their own actions, combined with either an attitude of acceptance or rejection should suffice.

To punish someone is to unknowingly declare and prove that you yourself are afraid of the very thing that this person has done, since you have just unconsciously identified something that exists within yourself.  Therefore the problem lies with you, and not with the other.  To throw them away in a dark cell for doing what they will to do with their life is just an ineffective attempt on your part to throw away a problem you have just identified within yourself, a dark thing you refuse to accept as a part of yourself, as if the act of disposing the ‘criminal’ will actually eliminate your own faults.  It just sends them away for a while—no healing occurs for either party.

I can think of no greater criminal act than to identify someone as a criminal and treat them as such, even to the point of stripping them of their free will.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”……does anyone even know what that means anymore?

On a semi-related note, I once saw a preposterous news story on TV one night.  It was a story about women in prison which was filmed and edited in such a manner as to elicit a sympathetic response from viewers, subconsciously indoctrinating the idea that it was ‘wrong’ to for women to have to suffer behind bars.

The reason I found this story preposterous is revealed by asking a single question……Can anyone explain to me (as the report suggested) why a woman behind bars is so lamentable but (as the report failed to equally suggest) a man behind bars is somehow so acceptable?  Given the above essay, how can any human being behind bars be so acceptable if it is so allegedly lamentable for just one group of people?



Saturday, December 12th, 2009

The reason why we have fighting forces such as police and military is simply because the population as a whole is not trained in some form of self defense.  Think about it.  If everyone knew how to defend themselves (and by default, their neighbors as well) then it is doubtful there would ever be a need for a police force.  All things being equal, if everyone was able to defend themselves, there would be very little if any violent crime committed against anyone.

But all things are not equal. And violent crime exists.  There still lingers the nagging problem of selfishness.  Where there is selfishness, there will inevitably appear a harmful desire to utilize one’s ability of self-defense in an offensive manner to unrightfully take something from someone or cause injury or worse.

Self defense training must be accompanied by an ironclad, unbreakable adherence to the principle of using fighting skills for self defense only, never for baseless aggression.  Unless this principle is followed with complete devotion by all, then there will always be a need for a police force of some kind, even if it means that only one person is left in charge of such a duty.  And even then, it is impossible for any police force to do its job effectively since the chances of the police being in the right place at the right time are slim at best.  Such is the basis for a heavy media exposure to the public when a major crime is averted at the right time.  This keeps the public thinking that they are safe, when in fact they are anything but, all due to the fact that only a few people are trained in the defensive arts.

Such are the problems that occur when even one person decides to be an asshole and let their selfishness lord over them for even a brief time.  All suffer as a result.

Until all people successfully practice behaving in a selfless & beneficial manner while simultaneously ignoring their selfishness, there will never manifest anything close to the ancient dream of Utopia anywhere on Earth.

As an ideal, Utopia is possible.  But its manifestation takes eternal vigilance, constant effort, or else all is lost.  In other words, practice makes perfect.  It is not impossible, just very challenging for a population to manifest.

If we want our world to resemble a joyful and compassionate Garden of Eden, forever basking in the Bliss of God’s perfection manifested on Earth, then all people must daily practice bringing it about without fail.

Anything less is failure.  Anything less is a manifestation (no matter how slim) of some level of Hell.



Tuesday, December 8th, 2009

T. Henry Moray’s Radiant energy device was an electronic device that was tuned into Zero Point Energy.  It was first charged with energy and then fine tuned (much like an old radio) until the device was receiving energy on its own.  Greatly simplified, the process involved tuning the device into a certain frequency and then stepping-down the overwhelming energy being received into something useful that could operate lights or appliances.

This electronic device is analogous to a correctly programmed mind, capable of tuning in to the Cosmic forces of Divine Will, and then allowing these forces to step down thru the brain, spine and nervous system until the energy is useful on the physical plane.

Moray described the process of the functioning of his device as a matter of “randomness synchronized to randomness”.

In magic circles, the ideal magician is one who can tune into the random Divine force called Love, and channel this Cosmic Love down thru a properly programmed nervous system where this energy is routed and rerouted according to the nervous system programming, until eventually the intention inherent in this Love-energy finds its proper expression in some form of action thru the human being.

When we are tuned into the Divine Will and possess a properly programmed mind-body system, then the Love of God will never have any problem finding the correct pathway through us as it winds its way through the maze of our programmed nervous system, eventually finding the precise channel through which it can express itself.  This is Divine Action manifested.

The Will of God only does through us whatever we allow it to do, as per our Free Will choices and/or current programming.

The sum total experience of these choices and programming is what we call life.

BTW, the device mentioned above was a real invention, but was smashed (literally) by the Dark forces running amuck on earth.  Pity,…for it would have provided free electrical power to the whole world.

The reader is advised to research the history of the man and his device, if one is foolish enough to think that the author just ‘made up’ a story to prove a point.



Tuesday, December 8th, 2009

Those who protest the ways of life of others, and actively seek to interfere with those ways, are fearful people who generally harvest an early death.  When life is perceived in an illusory way, then desiring death (consciously or unconsciously) is certainly a pity, but understandable.

And then there are those who simply live their lives of joy, doing as they will while seeking no ill intent on others.  They are those who master death itself, stave it off, and frighten it off even!  Living this way allows you to be grateful for the life you have already, being so fulfilled and satisfied that you can even smile at the thought that your own death may be coming soon.

Living your life as you will always puts a calm look of content on your face, as well as serene state of mind that cancels out the would-be effects of the zoo-like entertainment going in the movie called Life, foremost of these effects being that of ‘taking life too seriously’.  For to take life too seriously is to take a movie seriously.  When anyone comes out of a movie theater thinking that what they just saw is real, don’t his more enlightened friends usually tell him he is crazy?

Do movies really affect you as anything other than just another story anymore?  Do you not know that it is all a big movie, an ongoing Comedy/Drama that no one in their right mind would think that this nonsensical movie is ‘for real’.  Why fear the proliferation of war machines?  Remember that it is composed of the same God-stuff that you are, and therefore will not hurt you.  Since when has a movie reached out and punched you?.  And even if it did (such as the Star Trek type ‘holodeck’) wouldn’t you know that it is not really there to hurt you unless you programmed it to do so?  And even then, you wouldn’t be taking it so seriously that you would program it to kill you?  How could it?

When you are One with Divinity, then you know that it is not in God’s nature to hurt God, i.e., Itself.  As it happened to one saint who worshipped Divinity (as the Hindu Deity ‘Vishnu’) one day when he saw an oncoming attack by a man with a large sword, he calmly stated “I am Vishnu, you (the attacker) are Vishnu, that blade is Vishnu, therefore it will not harm me for how can Vishnu attack itself?”  And the blade turned to dust right in the hand of the man.  His attack now foiled, he ran off in fright.

Now that is total identification of one’s own Self as One with Deity.
