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Archive for the ‘Thoughts on watching Dr. Wayne Dyer’s “THE POWER OF INTENTION”’ Category


Thursday, August 20th, 2009

All the work we do in life, assuming we are following our dharma, is to express and explain completely an idea.  That’s it—an idea.  We get an idea that we can hardly understand except in the most subtle abstract way, and if it fits our personality and ignites our enthusiasm and emotion, we are naturally spurned into action to manifest this thing that is nothing more than an idea, a mere thought.  Everything that has ever manifested on earth throughout history began as nothing more than an idea from the Mind of God.

Even we human beings ourselves may have begun as just an idea.

All the universe and everything that occurs within it is an expressed & manifested conglomeration of many ideas for us to experience.  They are dreams downloaded from God.  When one learns all the rules of the game, one can play it and teach others to play it until boredom occurs (death, willed or not).

I think one way to attain enlighten is to choose one dream-idea that is representative of God (such as a mythological god or goddess) and focus all attention on it until one gets so occupied with it that “voluntarily induced boredom with life” occurs…or death.  This is the end result of Yoga practice, of perfect Life Force Control (Pranayama), whose best expression is the practice of Kriya Yoga.  All of this is akin to choosing a method of uniting with God, a meditation or ritual, and sticking with it no matter what until Wisdom and Understanding come, leading to the way out of the suffering inherent in the Dualistic experience called life.



Thursday, August 20th, 2009

When perception itself stops, so does life.  When one can behold the eternal hidden within the changing panorama that is life, then one will have God, for only God truly is, and is eternal.  God is the hidden, invisible fabric upon which the tapestry of all experience is woven.  All we are and do in life creates a kind of geometric pattern on the fabric.  But if we choose to reflect God in our lives, enlighten ourselves, then the pattern we create will be so like the eternal fabric that those who look upon you cannot see any difference between you and the Fabric (God).  If you can see that in the whole world, though they who live in the world are not even aware of it themselves, then you will be enlightened.  See all people as all equal in that they are just another pattern woven on the fabric.  Only when you are one with the Fabric can you truly see the whole pattern woven upon It.



Thursday, August 20th, 2009

Spiritualists, especially yogis, are (to use a lousy word) ‘worshipping’ death until it finally occurs.  Worshipping a thing brings it to you.

Yogis are busy practicing dying so they can experience Bliss here and now instead of waiting for physical death.  They worship death in order to bring about the Bliss of union with God.  Eventually they succeed.  And when death finally occurs, they are unafraid of it.

Maybe that is one reason people are afraid of spiritual masters.  They have the secret of death with them.  As such, we are fearful of them, while simultaneously wanting that very thing they possess because it would mean that we could end our suffering too, just as they have.



Thursday, August 20th, 2009

The Soul’s Nature is Joy.  The Ego instigates the Fear that attempts to restrict the Soul’s essential nature.  The Ego is Restriction itself.  Aleister Crowley was right when he wrote “The only sin is restriction.”  Every choice is the action of Love Under Will.  The wild and chaotic nature of Love must be placed under control by the Will.

When one does what one wants, it is an act of Will, a free will choice.  These choices arise as a reaction to a perceived lack or vacuum in the universe and one’s own self.  If one chooses to stop choosing itself to such an extant that it is automatic and is therefore no longer a choice, then that is perfect programming that leads to God.  Not choosing is as easy as following any inspiration.  After all, when one is really & truly inspired…there is no deliberation, no musing, i.e. no CHOICE.  Then one is not living, but BEING itself.  It is effortless.  So when one is following one’s true inspiration, then there is no choice or thought about it…which would be the result of doubt and fear brought on by the ego.

Not following your God-given inspirations is Sin itself.  Not following what drives you is the restriction that brings the Hell of Ego.  Do what Intuition tells you, for it is the voice of your inspiration guiding you.  Your inspiration is a reflection or manifestation of your Soul.  Follow your inspiration, for it is the Voice of the Soul telling you how to Be Love and Joy instead of listening to the doubt and fear that comes from Ego.



Thursday, August 20th, 2009

Criminals and Spiritual Servants of God both face disdain from the general population stuck in the middle of the Free Will spectrum.  The population sees both as violators of the general population’s own unconsciously created Hell we call “the world as we know it”.  They secretly hate both the criminal and God’s servants for following Will, their will…since the herd doesn’t follow their own will but let themselves be herded and pushed around by outside forces.  The general population has allowed themselves to be programmed by the outside world until all ability to follow their own internal wishes has all but vanished.

But they who are at the opposite ends of the free will spectrum (the criminal and the spiritual servant) are following a different program, each created by themselves, uninfluenced by what the middle herd thinks and believes.

All that is different is the motive of each.  One works for themselves.  One works for all.

And ignorant society hates and persecutes them both.



Thursday, August 20th, 2009

The only way for a government to effectively do anything or ‘get the job done’ is for the common people to give up that power to the government.  The power of any government is dependant upon the will of the people, or more accurately the sacrificing of the will of the people to the government.

Pre-war Nazi Germany had a government that got things done.  The people gave away their power to the new regime, literally—history records that Adolph Hitler was voted into office by the people.  He did not overtly wrestle control from the people as is commonly believed.  That is not to say that he didn’t cleverly maneuver his way to power—all power hungry politicians do exactly this.  It is called covert control.  But it is impossible to truly control anything, much less a people.  Failure is always the result.  Sure enough, the Nazi government (if it can be called that) led the German people to self destruction.

Post-Revolutionary War America had a very small and limited government with little ability to get much of anything done.  The first Americans were hardy and self-reliant.  When something went wrong, they took care of the problem themselves if it was possible to do so.  Only when the problem was too big or the common people lacked what was needed to take care of it did they ever give up any power to the government.  So it should always be in the case where any government at all is needed.

Ultimately, the ability of a government to tyrannize or force the common people is wholly dependant upon the willingness of the people to be controlled.

If it is possible to have a Utopia on earth (and I doubt such is possible in this Dualistic Universe) then rest assured it could never be realized if a controlling government still exists.  The dream of Utopia cannot even come close to manifesting unless all people exercise self control and remain as individually and completely autonomous as possible, unwilling to give away even a smidgen of their personal power, their sovereignty, their very free will to choose the life they desire to live.

When tyrants appear, the blame lies solely on the people for allowing such a person to take control over any part of their lives.  The easiest way to depose a tyrant is to simply take back the power of self-determination that was given to the tyrant and refuse to be controlled in any way.  Just say “NO”, and leave him/her no option but to crawl back to whatever dark corner of the world they came from.



Thursday, August 20th, 2009

Some say the world would be different if women were the ones in positions of political power.  I disagree.  I think we might have just as many wars, except they would be fought over irrational, unreasonable, illogical grounds.  That is not to say that male politicians go to war for good reasons, just different reasons that lack any compassion, warmth, feelings or understanding or consideration.

Of course, when I think of it, I perceive both extremes to be very much the same stupid shit.

If you think we need a president or even a government, then you are not getting the point.  It doesn’t matter if you elect a man or a woman or even an alligator.  Honestly…who gives a shit?  You are still making the mistake of giving away your personal sovereignty to someone else.  Why bother to give away your freedom to either a pair of tits or a pair of balls?

Either option is a boneheaded idea best flushed down the toilet with the rest of the shitty ideas people come up with these days.



Thursday, August 20th, 2009

Life is pretending.  We are all pretending that what we are experiencing during life is actually real.  The fact is, it is anything but real.  By one definition, becoming enlightened means that we stop pretending a little more each day, stop pretending to believe that what we experience around us is real.  The truth teaches us many things, especially that we have been playing a game, so to speak.  I think I once heard it explained in the phrase “at play in the fields of the lord”.  I don’t know the intent of the first person who penned that expression, but to my way of thinking it is a definition of life itself.  Life is a play, much as Shakespeare alluded.  We are all players, actors portraying our little parts to an audience of the world.

What we see at a play or a movie (the modern equivalent) is anything but real.  Although we may react in such a way while being a spectator in the audience, most of us would agree that only a fool would continue to believe what he saw in a theater is real.  In fact, most people laugh at and ridicule those who are fans of one particular movie or other (usually a fantasy film or a sci-fi epic), those who are so enthusiastic for the story that sometimes they may dress up as one of the characters when they attend the movie.  I don’t belittle these super-fans.  At the very least, they are enthusiastic about something that speaks to them on a deep level.  At least they are enthusiastic about something.  Most people are enthusiastic about nothing at all.

Sometimes I wonder how much more we would voluntarily react to a movie if the movie was a hologram projected all around us.  Such holographic movies, I think, are the way of the future.  Imagine going to the movies and when the movie begins you find yourself completely alone in the theater which then disappears and gives way to a holographic projection all around you.

Imagine that movies became so big they could be projected to a whole country, then a whole planet, then a whole solar system, a group of stars and planets, then a galaxy, then a cluster of galaxies, then the whole universe.  If one could project one’s idea for a movie to the whole universe, wouldn’t that seem like a power of God Almighty itself?  More importantly, being that it is still a movie (of Universal dimension and scope), wouldn’t it still be stupid of us to react to it as though it were real?  It is still a movie after all.  Why bother to believe in its alleged existence as fact?  Only a fool would be such a fan of movie that big…right?

And yet, I ask you…isn’t Life itself just a giant movie?  If taking a movie too seriously are the actions of a fool, then isn’t taking life itself too seriously equally foolish?

People who take life too seriously are indeed fooling themselves.  Let them be.  They must learn the Truth one day or another.  When we take things too seriously, we believe in the supposed reality of a thing that is anything but real, so unreal in fact that it is not even a thing to begin with.

Of course, none of this means that we should shirk off all cares and responsibility, as we would learn nothing at all.  And the thing we must learn about life is that it is not really real in the first place.  Just as we can learn from movies by keeping a level head during and after the viewing of the film, we may also learn the most from life in the same manner.

Being balanced is the key here.  If we lead a balanced life, we can learn the most about it and the most from it…mainly its unreality.  If we can learn this, then we will have no attachments to anything in life (which yogis warn us about) and we will be liberated from this otherwise endless movie called life.

This is enlightenment itself.  Knowing of the unreality of life while simultaneously being in it.  Stated another way, “Be in the world, but not of it.”  Or “The world is a bridge, do not build on it.”



Thursday, August 20th, 2009

It is impossible for lovers to truly merge their bodies together sexually.  Such is not the point.  The body is just a tool lovers can use to transcend and to go beyond, on their way back to God.  The truth is that the body is something that all must eventually transcend.

Realizing we are One eliminates the very need for the body.  When one knows this Truly, the specter of death is no longer fearful.  If anything, death is a pleasant release from the false need to think of oneself as a body separate from all things.

Thinking we were separate is the problem to begin with.  When we learn that we are One, then we are in Joy because we experience a kind of Samadhi Orgasm with All, and we realize we are One with The All.

The body, along with the rest of the physical world, seems to be just a tool for the expression of the dreams of consciousness.  These dreams occur within the whole of the universe, not just within the confines of the physical body or right in front of the physical body.  The dreams of consciousness occur everywhere simultaneously.  Consciousness expresses not just a physical body, but also a physical universe along with it.  This occurs because the dreamer needs a vantage point from which to experience its own creation.

All the Universe is a dream of the Cosmic Dreamer.  This includes all things within it and all sentient beings (humans as well).

Meditation upon God is a great tool by which anyone may slowly realize their Oneness with All, that they are a part of it all and it all is a part of him.

It seems that the best we can do with our lives, with the time we are given, is to just offer the best of what we are to the world (or wherever we find ourselves at any given time), just as an actor gives their best performance on a stage or on film and then is gone.  Our ‘performance’ is given, offered for all to see and experience and then we are no more.  Therefore, it is wisest for us all to just do our best with what we are given, to follow whatever selfless dream one has to offer to the benefit of all.  (Beware worrying about the results of one’s efforts, for it is useless and leads to reincarnation.)

The closer our thoughts, words and actions resemble Eternity and its Eternal characteristics, the longer will we have a lasting helpful impact upon everyone else who comes after us (who are really us, a part of us, a part of God).



Thursday, August 20th, 2009

The process of achieving immortality seems to be linked to the process known as acclimation, or becoming accustomed to a thing to such a point that it no longer affects you in any way.

An example of this is drug addiction.  The body develops an ever-increasing immunity to anything it is exposed to.  In the case of drugs, the addict must use more and more of the drug each time he takes a hit or shoots up, etc.  This is the only way to achieve any effect from the drug as its use is repeated over time.

Achieving immortality seems similar.  When meditating, all of the various body processes (heartbeat, breathing, digesting, etc.) stop.  In this way there is no stimulation from which the body must acclimate.  All is even in meditation.  If there is no stimulation, there is nothing to resist.  The body does not have to fight to stay alive.  So the body doesn’t decay as quickly as those who don’t stop the process thru meditation.

All the body ever does is exist in a state of constant change from one second to the next.  Enlightenment ensues when one can bring the changes or fluctuations of consciousness to a rest.  To not let anything unconsciously affect him at all, for such is the fluctuation that causes life which is suffering (ala Buddhism).

It seems like we are all wasting time allowing ourselves to involuntarily react to something when it was never even necessary to react at all in the first place.  These reactions are what caused us to believe what we are seeing is real.  The more real one thinks it is, the more unpleasant a life he will lead, which includes a body that thru its pattern of decay displays all of the crap it’s owner believed was real in life, and what is believes most recently.   When one stops reacting, his body no longer has to perform unneeded functions that change it from an initial state of perfect changelessness.

This process is akin to controlling life and death.  One controls life and death by leading a balanced existence while here.  Being in the middle of both extremes of life and death may be described as suspended existence, which is immortality.

Immortals apparently do not live so much as they just BE, which includes playing a part in the drama of life by doing what best suits their ability to serve all beings in the universe, the uni-verse, the one-verse, the one-word, or the one vibration.
